Parents can use WhatsApp to send RTE related complaints to authorities in Rajasthan – ET Government

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Naveen Jain appealed to private schools to cooperate in this initiative of Rajasthan government.

Parents in Rajasthan now have the facility to register their complaints related to Right to Education (RTE) through WhatsApp. The Rajasthan School Education Council has issued two WhatsApp numbers 7014812375 and 7014878012 for registering complaints through the mobile device. Two general helpline numbers 0141-2719073 and 0151-222140 have also been issued.

In conversation with ETGovernment, Naveen Jain, Secretary, School Education, Government of Rajasthan, said that in case the students are facing any problem in getting the right kind of education under RTI, their parents can use the WhatsApp numbers, 7014812375 and 7014878012, to send a complaint to Rajasthan School Education Council.

He adds that after receiving complaints on WhatsApp, a committee of officers at the council level will investigate and dispose of them in a time-bound manner. But what if the parents fail to get the right kind of response through WhatsApp. Naveen Jain says, “In case the problem is not solved to their satisfaction, the parents can contact the helpline numbers 0141-2719073 and 0151-222140.”

Through the medium of ETGovernment, Naveen Jain appealed to private schools to cooperate in this initiative of the Rajasthan government. He assured the parents that if they do not get proper support from any school, then they can contact the school education department through WhatsApp and helpline numbers. He said that the department would do its best to resolve all the grievances of the parents.

The Right to Education Act 2009, also known as the RTE Act 2009, was enacted by the Parliament of India on 4 August 2009. It describes modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children aged between 6-14 years in India under Article 21 (A) of the Constitution of India. This act came into effect on 1 April 2010 and made India one of the 135 countries to have made education a fundamental right for every child.

  • Published On Jun 2, 2023 at 03:48 PM IST

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