Political scenario in India

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India, once the golden bird has witnessed many changes and has a rich history of producing great leaders. The political scenario in India has changed with every new era. From time to time it has been ruled by many rulers like Rajputs, Cholas, Pandas, Lodhis, Mughals, Britishers, etc.  Lastly, we have been ruled by Britishers in which we have seen lots of movements happening in India and in this, some great leaders were born like Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru, Moulana Azad , Bhagat singh , Neta Subhash Chandra Bose etc.

Indian Politics System

In 1947, India gained independence, and since we have been on the path of growth and dominated by Indian National Congress which has stayed in power mostly since 1947. From that time to 1991 we are a socialist economy and then in 1992 Indian economy opened its door to foreign companies. From then lot of changes happened in society.

Political Scenario in India

Mr. Shashi Tharoor in his book “The Elephant, the Tiger, and The Cellphone” has called India an Elephant that only sees its rich golden history not think about the future, it has become an old lot of dust on its back, dying a slow death, Tiger(Westerners) comes to India only to see it’s rich golden history but don’t think about investment. But in 1992, the magical decision of opening an economy was taken by the then finance minister Mr. Manmohan Singh, and suddenly the elephant which had become old resurrected from the past and slowly and gradually transition took place. Now the elephant has become more aggressive and giving cutthroat competition to the tiger.

The political scenario is like this- there are 36 national parties in India; United Progressive Alliance i.e. Congress plus other parties ruling at the center and the opposition in the National Development Alliance which includes BJP plus others. There is a lot of political up-down happening in India and it is quite tough to make decisions. Opposition parties always oppose the decisions taken. Like recently, there have been a lot of heated arguments over FDI in the retail sector and then there are issues over the hanging of terrorists like Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru.

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Challenges In Indian Democratic Country

The proposed GST i.e. Goods and Service Taxes makes foreign companies feel unsafe in India as an investment destination. Center government has proposed it many of the non-UPA governments are opposing it imposed in their particular states. With each and every bomb blast that happens, there are a lot of issues on it.

India is a democratic country but what actually happens is a mobocracy, in which public protest for the government has to bow down and accept demands. In a democratic country where blood was shed on issues like building a mosque on a temple and our secular leaders take part in fights.

The year 2012 was full of high-voltage political activities, since the beginning of the year the ‘Jan Lokpal Bill’ has been in the news. The nation has witnessed the campaign of Anna Hazare and Ramdev over the bill. However, there were many rounds of talks between the civil society members and the UPA government to finalize the issues, but the result was the same.

India is heading for the 2014 General Election, which will decide which party is going to get a clear majority in the Parliament. As a part of preparation for the big political battle, all the parties seem to be ready with their campaigning strategy and issues. The political scenario in India has changed every now and then. So it will be interesting to see who will be our next PM.

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