Jagran Josh
PSEB Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24: Download the latest syllabus of PSEB Class 12 here for the current academic session, 2023-24. Check the syllabus of PSEB class 12 Arts, Science and Commerce streams here.

Download PSEB Class 12th Syllabus 2023-24 PDF (All Subjects)
PSEB 12th Syllabus 2023-24: Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) released the PSEB Class 12 syllabus for the current academic session 2023-24 on its official website pseb.ac.in. The board has released the updated syllabus for all three streams – Arts, Commerce and Science. Students preparing for PSEB Class 12th Board Exams 2024 must go through the PSEB 12th Syllabus as it will help the know the topics and subtopics they need to study in each subject to prepare for the year-end board exams. In the past few years, the syllabus has undergone a few alterations due to COVID-19, therefore students are suggested to check the latest syllabus to know the list of chapter-wise topics that have been prescribed by PSEB for the 2023-24 session.
We have provided below the new syllabus of Class 12th of Punjab Board. Here, syllabus of all subjects of PSEB Class 12 is made available for PDF download. The PSEB Class 12 Board Exam which will be held at the end of the 2023-24 session, will be based on the full class 12th syllabus. There will be no term-wise exams for the current academic session. Hence, students must prepare with the help of the PSEB Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24 to secure good marks in their PSEB Class 12 Board Exams 2024.
Download the subject-wise syllabus for PSEB Class 12 from the direct links provided below:
Why is PSEB Class 12 Syllabus important?
PSEB Class 12 syllabus is of great benefit to students preparing for the PSEB Class 12 Board Exam 2024. This syllabus mentions the unit-wise and chapter-wise topics along with distribution of marks. This syllabus also explains the details of activities to be conducted for internal assessment in each subject. Students will also get to know the practical/ project work prescribed by PSEB for the 2023-24 year. Thus, the PSEB Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24 is a perfect guide to help you make the right strategy for your board exam preparations that would ultimately help you get the maximum marks in your board exam results.
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