PSEB Class 9 English Syllabus 2023-24: Download in PDF 

Jagran Josh

PSEB Class 9 English Syllabus 2023-24: The Punjab Board, officially known as the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB), is a state education board responsible for administering school education in the state of Punjab, India. Established in 1969, it serves as an autonomous body under the control of the Punjab Government’s Department of School Education. The board conducts examinations, prescribes textbooks, and formulates policies for schools affiliated with it. It is committed to providing quality education and promoting the academic development of students. The Punjab Board plays a vital role in shaping the educational landscape of the state, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education and fostering their overall growth.

PSEB has released the syllabus for all classes from 1 to 12. Students can download the syllabus of their respective classes and subjects from the official website The free PSEB syllabus pdf for Class 9 English 2023-24 is available here. The PSEB Class 9 English syllabus will elaborate on reading skills, vocabulary, grammar, creative writing, and translation. Read the below-mentioned syllabus for a better understanding.

PSEB Class 9 English Syllabus 2023-24

Unit-I Reading Skills

  • Reading Comprehension of unseen passage with five multiple-choice questions
  • Unseen Picture /Poster based Comprehension with five multiple choice question

Unit-2 Text Books: English Main Course Book

1. Grooming of a Boy

2. Plants also Breathe and Feel

3. Budgeting Your Time

4. Journey by night

5. The Discovery of Moon

6. Three Great Indians

7. The Death of Abhimanyu


1. Open Thy Eyes and See Thy God (Rabindranath Tagore)

2. No Men Are Foreign (James Kirkup)

3. The Nightingale and the Glow-worm (William Cowper)

English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader)

1. The Magic Violin

2. Wishes Come True

3. In the Flood

4. A letter to God

5. The Last Leaf

6. The Bewitched Jacket

7. The King Who Limped

Unit-3 Vocabulary

1. Nature of Words (Context-Meaning) 2. Words as different Parts of Speech

2. Synonyms

3. Antonyms 

4. Homonyms

5. Formation of words

Unit-4 Grammar

1. Determiners

2. Modals

3. Prepositions

4. Conjunctions

5. Simple and Complex Sentences

6. Voice

7. Narration

8. Non-Finites

9. Tenses (Concord and Sequence)

Unit-5 Guided Creative Writing

1. Note-making

2. E-mail messages

3. Letter Writing

4. Paragraph Writing (not more than 100 words)

Translation from English to Punjabi/Hindi 


1. Steer him away from envy.

2. All men are not true.

3. This is a big order.

4. All men are not just.

5. For every enemy there is a friend.

6. Treat him gently.

7. Beware of too much sweetness.

8. Teach him always to have sublime faith in

9. He is such a fine little fellow, my son.

10. Teach him to listen to all men.

11. The test of fire makes fine steel.

12. Teach him how to laugh when he is sad.


13. It was an event that surprised the scientific world.

14. Your instrument is a wonderful thing.

15. What do you call this instrument?

16. The reply caused greater surprise.

17. Bose was born in 1858 in a village of Bengal.

18. Bose was by nature a rebel.

19. He refused to touch any part of his salary for three years.

20. In the end victory was his.

21. Bose knew he was right and he proved it.

22. It showed that plants have hearts and are capable of feeling. 


23. Money makes the mare go.

24. Time and tide wait for none.

25. Every second in life is important.

26. Seconds add up to minutes, hours, days and months.

27. One must learn to be punctual in all one’s activities.

28. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

29Art is long and time is fleeting.

30. ‘Now or Never’ must be our guiding principle in life.

31. One must act in time before it is too late.

32. Never put off till tomorrow.

33. What is the best time for doing a thing?


34. She did not weep.

35. The steaming clothes did nothing.

36. Sher Singh’s father was known far and wide as Sher Singh Bahadur.

37. Sher Singh saw death in his young brother’s eyes.

38. There are no men in the village.

39. Kalaghat was 80 km away..

40. Night fell.

41. The sky blazed with stars.

42. Sher Singh chilled with fright.

43. Sher Singh breathed another prayer of thanks.

44. He looked for the bridge.

45. Sher Singh knew that his brother was dying.


46. Armstrong and Edwin became the first men to set foot on the moon.

47. The discovery of moon formed an important part of space programme.

48. We know all the important facts about the moon.

49. We can see the full moon and no moon once in a month.

50. The moon is of the same age as the earth.

51. Some scientists feel that moon can be made inhabitable for men.

52. It is the Earth’s only natural satellite.

53. The moon is not a self-luminous body.

54. The moon is lacking water and it has no atmosphere.

55. The moon is an absolutely desolate place where there is no water and air.

56. Its distance from the earth is 384,405 km.


57. Laxmi Bai was born on 16th November, 1834.

58. The Punjabi word ‘Kuka’ stands for a ‘roar’.

59. The followers of this movement were named Namdharis.

60. Rani Laxmi Bai died fighting bravely for the sake of her country

61. Her childhood name was Manikarnika or Manu.

62. She breathed her last on the battlefield.

63. Thousands of men, women, children and old men died in the massacre.

64. Udham Singh was arrested and sentenced to death on 30 July.

65. In 1937, he reached England after travelling through Europe.

66. He strongly opposed child marriage.

67. Udham Singh’s name is linked inseparably with Jallianwala Bagh.


68. Abhimanyu knew only the art of entering the Chakravyuh.

69. Abhimanyu was fighting alone.

70. At last, the wheel was torn into pieces.

71. All the warriors returned to their camps.

72. Arjuna wept bitterly. 

73. Duryodhana assured him all protection.

74. Arjuna fiercely attacked the Kauravas that day.

75. Arjuna advanced ahead.

76. Duryodhana was soon exhausted.

77. Krishna was watching everything carefully.

78. Arjuna shot his arrows with terrific speed.

79. They slashed the head of Jayadratha from his body.

80. Arjuna was aware of the time of truce.

In the next segment of the syllabus, students will have to translate Hindi/Punjabi sentences into English. The sentences will be:

1-10 Model related

11-50 Tense-based sentences

51-60 Imperative sentences 

61-70 Helping verb-related sentences

71-80 Proverbs

81-90 Idiomatic sentences

91-95 Interrogative sentences

96-100 Exclamatory

Prescribes Books

1) English Main Course Book for Class IX (For Intensive Study) published by Punjab School Education Board. 

2) English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) For Class-IX (for Extensive Study) published by Punjab School Education Board. 

3) A Practice Book of English Grammar & Composition for Class IX published by Punjab School Education Board.

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