PSSSB Clerk Recruitment 2023: Last Date to Raise Objection to Provisional Answer Key Today – News18

Top Education-career News-

Published By: Sukanya Nandy

Last Updated: August 11, 2023, 09:08 IST

A crossed-demand draft of Rs 100 per objection is to be submitted (Representative Image)

Candidates, who appeared for the exam, can access the answer key by downloading it on the website at sssb.punjab., and raise objection, if any

The Punjab Subordinate Service Selection Board (PSSSB) has released the provisional answer key for the clerk recruitment exam. The written test, for a total of 697 vacancies of clerks in various departments of the state government, was conducted on August 6. Candidates, who appeared for the exam, can access the answer key by downloading it on the website at sssb.punjab.

Objection to the provisional answer key can be raised until today, August 11. To raise objections, candidates are required to submit the objections clearly stating the nature of the grievance along with the necessary documents, if applicable.

Besides email submission, candidates are required to speed post the original hard copies of their objections, documentary proof, and Demand Draft to the office of the ‘Secretary, Subordinate Services Selection Board, Punjab’ by August 18.

Notable, the board will not entertain the objections raised after the specified date. A duly constituted expert committee will review the objections. The decision of the committee will be considered final and irrevocable. The opportunity is applicable only to the provisional answer key as no objection will be considered once the final answer key is published.

PSSSB Clerk Recruitment 2023: How to Raise Objection to Answer Key

Step 1 – Click on the grievance form provided as Annexure-I and download it.

Step 2 – Fill out the grievance form, mentioning objections related to the provisional answer key.

Step 3 – Attach mandatory crossed-demand draft along with the necessary documentary proof in support of the raised claims.

Step 4 – Send the scanned copies of the completed Grievance Form, documentary proof, and Demand Draft via mail.

Mail the hard copies of the grievance form, demand draft, and documentary proof through speed post to the designated office address.

A crossed-demand draft of Rs 100 per objection is to be submitted. The demand draft should be drawn in favour of Mohali and payable to Secretary, Subordinate Services Selection Board, Punjab.

The examination for the post of clerk was held on August 6, for which the admit card was released on July 31. The PSSSB clerk examination was originally scheduled to be held on July 15. However, the examination was cancelled amidst continuous rain in the state.

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