Rajasthan BSTC Admit Cards To Release Soon At panjiyakpredeled.in, How To Download – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Curated By: Sheen Kachroo

Last Updated: August 21, 2023, 13:15 IST

The Rajasthan BSTC admit card will provide participants with information about their exam, including the location, date, and time (Representative Image)

Once available, the hall ticket can be accessed at panjiyakpredeled.in. By entering their application number and password, students can download it.

The Rajasthan Education Department is anticipated to release the BSTC admit card soon. Once available, the hall ticket can be accessed at panjiyakpredeled.in. By entering their application number and password, students can download it. On August 28, a pre-DElEd exam will be administered. To the exam site, candidates must bring their Rajasthan BSTC admit card. Without a hall ticket, it is impossible to take the Pre DElEd exam.

Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2023: Steps To Download

Step 1: Visit panjiyakpredeled.in, the Pre DElEd exam’s official website.

Step 2: Open the Rajasthan BSTC admit card website.

Step 3: To log in, enter your application number and password.

Step 4: A screen will display the Rajasthan BSTC admission card.

Step 5 : Download the Pre DElEd test admission card.

Step 6: Print your Pre DElEd exam admit card and bring it with you on test day.

The Rajasthan BSTC admit card will provide participants with information about their exam, including the location, date, and time. Additionally, it will contain crucial instructions for the exam day that each candidate must follow. They can prevent last-minute snarl-ups at the testing facility. To finish the pre-exam procedures on time, candidates should be at the exam site at least 45 minutes before the exam. A candidate will not be permitted to take the exam if they arrive at the testing location after the reporting time.

Candidates should start reviewing their material now because the exam is only one week away. In order to effectively manage time in the exam, they should also practice mock examinations. Students will gain an understanding of the difficulty of the exam’s problems by resolving those from prior years. For the  recent updates, applicants should regularly check the exam’s official website.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court affirmed the Rajasthan High Court’s verdict in the BSTC versus B.Ed. issue. Only those with a BSTC Diploma are now qualified to take the Level-1 (Third Grade Teacher Recruitment) exam, under the Supreme Court’s Friday ruling. Candidates for the B.Ed. degree will no longer be allowed to apply for teaching positions in the first through fifth grades.

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