RBI organises 3rd zonal level round of all-India quiz on financial literacy in Delhi – ET Government

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Aman Gupta and Utkarsh Sudhakar from ASOSE, Sector 10, Dwarka, Delhi emerged as the winners.

With the aim of encouraging financial literacy among school students, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) organised the third zonal level round of the All-India Quiz on Financial Literacy that saw the participation of state level winners of Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, in Delhi on August 28.

The quiz was first organised at the block level and then district and state levels in which students of class VIII, IX and X of government schools were encouraged to participate to generate more interest in the area of financial literacy and awareness.

From all the states and Union Territories about 10,264 students from 5,132 schools participated from the block level. The zonal level at Delhi witnessed the participation of ASOSE, Sector 10, Dwarka, Delhi, Government Higher Secondary School, Patushai, Sogam, Kupwara, J&K, Government Higher Secondary School, Sumoor, Leh, Ladakh, AUGIC, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand and Government Inter College, Fursatganj, Amethi, Uttar Pradesh.

Aman Gupta and Utkarsh Sudhakar from ASOSE, Sector 10, Dwarka, Delhi emerged as the winners and were felicitated by Deepak Kumar, Executive Director, RBI, and other dignitaries present at the prize distribution ceremony. The winners will get to compete in the All-India Quiz on Financial Literacy at the National level.

Financial literacy supports the pursuit of financial inclusion by empowering the customers to make informed choices leading to their financial well-being. Financial inclusion in turn is meant to make financial services available, accessible and affordable to all in a safe and transparent manner. While pursuing policies for furthering financial inclusion, RBI has also been simultaneously taking steps to promote financial literacy and consumer protection.

Towards a vision of creating a financially aware and empowered India, RBI along with other stakeholders framed the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE) for 2020-25 focusing on building on areas of content, capacity, community, communication and collaboration. The NSFE document intends to support the vision of the Government of India and Financial Sector Regulators by enabling various sections of the population to develop knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviour which are needed to manage their money better and to plan for their future.

  • Published On Aug 29, 2023 at 07:49 AM IST

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