RBSE 12th, 8th Result 2023: Check A, B, C, D Grading System and Captcha Meaning

Jagran Josh

RBSE 8th Result 2023: The board has released the class 12th and 8th board exam results at rajshaladarpan.nic.in, rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in. They have been given grades:  A, B, C, and D instead of marks this time. Check Rajasthan board grading system below.

RBSE 8th Result 2023: Check A, B, C, D Grading System

RBSE 8th Result 2023: Check A, B, C, D Grading System

RBSE 8th Result 2023 Grading System: The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has released the class 12th Science, Commerce result online. Students can check and download the BSER Rajasthan 12th results at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in. They have to use their class, roll number, district and captcha code in the login window. The RBSE Class 12 overall pass percentage for science has been recorded at 95.65% where female students’ pass percentage is 97.39% and 94.72% of male students pass the exams.

The overall pass percentage of class 8th has been recorded at 94.50%.In a significant shift, students have been given grades in their RBSE 8th result instead of percentage marks. This year, a total of 5226 students got A grades. The new evaluation system aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of student’s performance, focusing on their overall growth and development. 

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RBSE 12th Result 2023: Know A, B, C, D Grading System

                               RBSE 12th Result 2023 – Grading System

Marks Range Grade Grade Point
91-100 A1 10
81-90 A2 9
71-80 B1 8
61-70 B2 7
51-60 C1 6
41-50 C2 5
33-40 D 4
21-32 E1 C
00-20 E2 C

RBSE 8th Result 2023: Check A, B, C, D Grading System

Instead of marks, the Rajasthan board has followed a grading system in RBSE class 8th to award marks to students. Check the BSER 8th grading system below: 

Rajasthan 8th Marks

RBSE Grades

91 to 100


76 to 90


61 to 75


41 to 60


0 to 40


RBSE Rajasthan 8th Class Result 2023 Grade-Wise Statistics 

As per the press release, a total of 95,226 students got A grades whereas 474924 students have been given grades B. Check the table below for detailed information: 


Number of students 











What is Captcha Meaning? 

The full form of CAPTCHA is a Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a type of security measure known as challenge-response authentication. Students checking their RBSE 8th class result need to enter captcha code as well. 

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