RBSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2023-24: Download Detailed Syllabus in PDF Here!

Jagran Josh

Rajasthan Board Class 10 English Syllabus: Check and download the latest syllabus of RBSE Class 10 English from here to know the course structure and topics prescribed for the current academic year 2023-24.

RBSE 10 Class English Syllabus 2023-24: Class 10 students enrolled under the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, can check the latest syllabus of English (Compulsory) from this article. Knowledge of the RBSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2023-4 is quite essential for an effective study of the language subject and to prepare well for the upcoming RBSE 10th Class Board Exam 2024. The latest syllabus for Class 10 English by Rajasthan Board provides an overview of the topics and sub-topics, to be covered in 2023-24. It also mentions the examination pattern and marks distribution that is to be followed for the annual assessment for RBSE Class 10 Compulsory English. With this article, students will be able to check and download the new English Syllabus of RBSE Class 10 in PDF.

RBSE Class 10 English – The examination scheme for the paper is as follows:

Theory Exam

80 Marks

Sessional Marks

20 Marks


100 Marks

Time Allowed for Theory Paper – 3.15 Hours

Check RBSE Class 10 Compulsory English (Code No. 02) Syllabus 2023-24 below:

1. Reading (15 Marks)
Two unseen passages of total 350 words with a variety of questions including 4 marks for vocabulary.
Only prose passages will be used. One Will be factual and the other will be discursive.
(i) Passage 1: 100 words (6 Marks), Six Multiple Choice Questions testing local and global understanding including 2 questions on vocabulary—one testing the knowledge of similar word and the other testing the knowledge of opposite word. (06)
(ii) Passage 2: 250 words (9 Marks), Nine Comprehension questions testing local and global understanding including 2 questions on vocabulary—one testing the knowledge of similar word and the other of opposite word. (09)

2. Writing (13 Marks)
(i) Letter Writing — One out of two (05)
(a) Personal — To friends, relatives and members of family.
(b) Official — To Govt. officials, The Editor of a newspaper or a magazine, Headmaster/Principal
(6) Email — To family, friends, relatives, Govt. officials, the editor, teachers, Headmaster, Principal and so on.
(ii) To write a short story on a given outline in about 80 words. (04)
(iii) A short writing task based on a verbal or a Visual stimulus (picture, chart, table etc.) with intemal choice in about 80 words. (04)

3. Grammar (12 Marks)
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context. Test types will include—
*gap-flling, *sentence-completion, *sentence-transfonnation (including combining
The Grammar syllabus will include the following areas for teaching—
1. Tenses (04)
2. Reported Speech (02)
3. Subject—Verb Concord (02)
4. Active and Passive Voice (02)
5. Framing Questions and Question Tags (02)

4.Textbooks :
(i) First Flight—Prose (20 Marks)
(a) One out of two extracts from different prose lessons included in the textbook. Approximately 150 words each With the following type of questions—
Six questions in each passage :
3 Multiple Choice Questions, 2 Comprehension questions testing local and global understanding, 1 question on vocabulary testing the knowledge of similar word. (06)
(b) Three Short Answer Type Questions (out of four, around 20-30 words each) (2×3=06) 

(c) One out of two questions extrapolative in nature based on any one of the prose lessons excluding Drama Text from the textbook to be answered in about 80 words. (05)((1) One out of two questions on Drama Text (local and global comprehension question) in about 40 words. (03)

(ii) First Flight—Poetry (08 Marks)
(a) One out of two extracts based on poetry from the text to test comprehension and appreciation. (2×2=4)
(b) Two out of three short answer type questions on interpretations of themes and ideas contained in the poems to be answered in about 20 words each. (04)

(iii) Footprints Without Feet—Supplementary Reader (12 Marks)
(a) One out of two questions from Supplementary Reader to interpret, evaluate and analyse character, plot or situations occurring in the lessons to be answered in about 80 words. (05)(b) Two out of three short answer type questions on interpreting and evaluating nature based on lessons to be answered in 20 words each. (04)
(c) Three Multiple Choice Type Questions testing factual aspects of the lessons. (03)

Prescribed Text Books :
1. First Flight—NCERT’s Book Published under Copyright
2. Footprints Without Feet—NCERT’s Book Published under Copyright

You can also download the syllabus in PDF from the following link:



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