RBSE Rajasthan board Class 10, 12 admit cards out at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in, here’s how students can collect it

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RBSE Rajasthan Board Class 10, 12 Admit Cards 2025: Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (RBSE or BSER) has released admit cards for Class 10 and 12 final exams 2025 at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in.

RBSE Rajasthan board Class 10, 12 admit cards released, here’s how students can collect (Representational image)(Unsplash)

The admit card download link is available on the ‘Board Main Exam.2025’ page of the website through school login.

Schools can download the admit cards for their students using ID number and password.

After downloading admit cards, schools will print hard copies, verify the details and distribute them among the students.

Students must collect the board exam admit cards from their schools as they are not allowed to download the document directly from the board website.

RBSE said admit cards have not been issued to students whom schools have marked as NCO, zero attendance, rejected, etc.

It added that if the photograph of the student is not printed on the admit card, is not visible, or contains an error, school principals will paste the correct photograph and verify it before handing it over to the student. They are also required to inform the board about such changes.

The board will not consider any change in the photograph once the exam is over.

RBSE will upload exam centre material, seat plans, etc., online on the official website.

To ensure the smooth conduct of the board examinations, RBSE has set up a 24×7 control room, which will remain functional from March 1 (6 a.m.) to April 9.

The control room helpline numbers are 0145-2632866, 2632867, 2632868.

The RBSE has revised the time tables for both Class 10 and 12 board exams. There will be no exam on April 1 for Class 10.

Class 10 third language (Sanskrit, Urdu, Gujarati, Sindhi, Punjabi and Sanskrit second paper) exams previously scheduled for April 1 will be held on April 4.

Similarly, Class 12 Computer Science, Informatics Practices papers which were previously scheduled for April 4 will be held on April 7. For Class 12, the board exam timetable saw further changes in view of the second session of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2025.

Also read: Rajasthan 12th board exam: RBSE changes schedule to avoid clash with JEE mains 2025 Session 2 dates, check revised dates

RBSE Class 10 final exams will begin on March 6 with the English (code 02) paper and end on April 4 with third language papers.

Class 12 exams will start on March 6 with the Psychology paper and end on April 7.

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By bpci

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