REET Level 1 Result Declared, Increase in Cut off by 9 Marks – News18

Top Education-career News-

Curated By: Sukanya Nandy

Last Updated: September 01, 2023, 11:37 IST

REET Level 1 Result: After the level 2 result, the appointment process of 48,000 teachers will be completed in September (Representative image)

REET Level 1 Result: Through this examination, 21,000 teachers will be recruited by the board. These include 19,133 posts of general education

REET Level 1 Result: The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has released the final result of REET Level 1 exam for more than 1,96,696 candidates. Through this examination, 21,000 teachers will be recruited by the board. These include 19,133 posts of general education. There will be recruitment for 1,867 posts in special education.

Taking a look at the cut-off scores released for REET level 1, it has increased up to 9 marks since last year. It is 195.38 for the general category. The cut-off marks for OBC is 187.92, for EWS it is  181.24, MBC 185.61, SC 173.24, and ST 156.03. The marking scheme of the exam includes one mark for each correct answer. There is no negative marking.

As per media reports, the chairman of the board has said that the result of the REET level 2 examination will also be declared soon. At present, the process of document verification for level 2 has been completed. After the level 2 result, the appointment process of 48,000 teachers will be completed in September. Out of the total, 21,000 posts are of level 1 and 27000 posts of level 2. REET paper 1 is conducted for the selection of teachers for the primary level or classes 1 to 5. Paper 2 is conducted for the selection of teachers for secondary-level teachers recruitment or classes 6 to 8.

REET Level 1 Result: How to Check

Step 1. Applicants are advised to visit the official site of REET

Step 2. Click on the REET result level 1 link on the home page

Step 3. Enter the login details

Step 4. Click on submit

Step 5. Your result will be displayed on the screen

Step 6. Download and take a printout of it for future reference.

Also read| REET 2023: Candidates Caught Solving Paper Before Exam, 37 Arrested Over Alleged Paper Leak Attempt

After downloading the results, candidates must cross-check all the details on the REET level 1 scorecards. This includes the spelling of their name, date of birth, category, roll number, registration number, qualifying status, subject-wise marks, and total marks on their results. In case of any discrepancies, report to RBSE at the earliest.

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