SBI CBO 2022: Check Mock Test, Best Last-Minute Tips, Exam & COVID Instructions

Jagran Josh

SBI CBO Exam Instructions 2022: State Bank of India is going to conduct the SBI CBO 2022 Written Exam on 4th December 2022 for the selection of 1422 vacancies of Circle Based Officer. The SBI CBO Admit Card 2022 will be available for download till 4th December 2022. Candidates can check below the important Exam Instructions and COVID Guidelines for the SBI CBO Recruitment 2022 issued by the State Bank of India.

SBI CBO 2022 Calendar

SBI CBO 2022 Events

Important Dates

Online Application Start Date

18th October 2022

Online Application End Date

7th November 2022

Payment of Fees Last Date

7th November 2022

SBI CBO Admit Card 2022 Download Date 

18th November to 4th December 2022

SBI CBO 2022 Written Exam

4th December 2022

SBI CBO Exam Pattern 2022

  • The written examination is going to be held in the online mode.
  • The exam shall be divided into two sections, objective test and descriptive test. 
  • Candidates will be required to secure minimum cut-off marks in both sections.
  • A negative marking of 0.25 marks is applicable for answers marked wrongly.

Online Written Exam



No of Questions

Max Marks


English Language



30 mins

Banking Knowledge



40 mins

General Awareness/Economy



30 mins

Computer Aptitude 



20 mins




2 hours


SBI CBO Descriptive Test


No of Questions

Max Marks


Letter Writing



30 mins

Essay-250 words on banking related






30 mins


The second round is the interview round which is going to be held for 50 marks. The authorities will check the psychological ability of the candidate. The final merit list of the candidates shall be drafted by considering the marks secured in the written exam and interview round. 

Also Read: SBI CBO Eligibility Criteria 2022: Check Age, Qualifications, Selection, Application Process

Also Read: SBI CBO Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Promotion, Job Profile

Also Read: SBI CBO 2022: Check Syllabus & Latest Exam Pattern

SBI CBO Shift Timings 2022

Candidates can check the exam timing for both the shifts in the table below. 

Exam Shift

SBI CBO Reporting Time

SBI CBO Exam Timing

Shift 1

8:30 AM

9:00 AM – 11:30 PM

Shift 2

12:30 PM

1 PM – 3:30 PM

SBI CBO Exam Pattern

  • Candidates will be required to clear both the tests to get a call for the interview round
  • There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for wrong answers marked in the exam
  • There will be separate sectional timing for each section admissible to SBI CBO exam
  • The questions asked in the exam will be bilingual, i.e. English and Hindi langauge.

Test Type


Maximum Questions

Maximum Marks


Objective Test

English Language



30 mins

Banking Knowledge



40 mins

General Awareness/Economy



30 mins

Computer Aptitude 



20 mins




2 hours


Letter Writing



30 minutes

Essay Writing






2 hrs and 30 mins

SBI CBO 2022: Best 5 Last Minute Tips

The SBI CBO examination is conducted on December 04, 2022. With less than one week before the exam, the candidates are advised to go through the last-minute tips and manage the preparations accordingly. 

1. Proper Revision

Ensure revising all the subjects asked in the SBI CBO more than once before the examination. While doing so, give special emphasis to the general knowledge and current affairs section. Highlight news that is difficult to remember and revise them multiple times. Proper revision helps in remembering difficult terms easily on the day of the exam. Use your short notes to revise for all the subjects quickly. 

2. Practice with Mock Tests

Attempt SBI CBO mock tests on a regular basis till the exam day. While attempting mock tests, try to attempt them in a way you will do on the day of the exam. This is helpful to gain confidence. Also, while doing so follow a sequence of attempting questions that you are going to follow while attempting the Circle Based Officer exam. Finally, analyze your performance in the mock test and avoid attempting questions that seem difficult to crack. 

SBI CBO Free Mock Test 2022

3. Practice Descriptive Topics

The SBI CBO exam is going to have a descriptive test also that will account for fifty marks. Although, it is qualifying in nature the level of difficulty is high and it shall be considered while drafting the merit list. Hence, we advise picking some current and trendy topics to draft an essay on before the exam. While writing the essay try to include factual data and figure to make it more engaging. Use a similar strategy with the letter-writing section also. Stick to the pattern notified for the informal and formal letters. 

4. Make Checklist Ready

The State Bank of India has announced a list of the documents that have to be carried out on the exam day. As per the exam day instruction, one has to carry SBI CBO admit card, an original and xerox of a valid id proof, a stamp pad, and a photograph. We advise candidates to make a checklist before the exam and stick to avoid anything on the SBI CBO exam day. Also, you have to bring the attested call letter with you after the exam is over as it shall be checked on the main exam. 

5. Take Rest, Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet and sleeping well ensures a healthy brain and body. SBI CBO is a very difficult exam with a vast syllabus that can often exhaust a candidate. Hence, we advise being very vigilant when it comes to one’s health. Try to eat fresh fruits and do not indulge in heavy meals as it can lead to fatigue. You can also stick to light exercises or some recreational activities to freshen up your mind before the examination day. 

Also Read: SBI CBO 2022: Check Important Topics, Preparation Tips & Strategies

SBI CBO 2022 COVID Instructions

The Bank has released the covid instruction that has to be followed while attending the SBI CBO examination. Check out some of the important instructions in the section below. 

1. Candidate is required to report at the exam venue as per the time mentioned in the Call Letter. Late comers will not be
allowed to take the test.

2. Mapping of ‘Candidate Roll Number and the Lab Number’ will NOT be displayed outside the exam venue, but the same will
be intimated to the candidates individually at the time of entry of the candidate to the exam venue. 

3. Items permitted into the venue:


b. Gloves

c. Personal transparent water bottle (Candidates should bring their own water bottle)

d. Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)

e. A simple pen, pencils, erasers and ink stamp pad.

f. Exam-related documents (Call Letter of Examination and photocopy of the photo ID proof stapled with it and

the same ID card in original). The name on the ID card and on the Call letter should be exactly the same.

g. In case of Scribe Candidates – Scribe form duly filled and signed with Photograph affixed.

No other Items are permitted inside the venue.

4.  Candidate should not share any of their personal belonging/material with anyone. Candidate should maintain safe social distance with one another. Candidate should stand in the row as per the instructions provided at the venue.

5. If candidate is availing services of a scribe, then scribe also should bring their own Gloves, N95 Mask, sanitizer (50ml) and transparent water bottle. Wearing a mask is compulsory. Both candidate and Scribe will require to be wearing N95 Mask.

6. A Candidate must have Aarogya Setu App installed on his mobile phone. The Aarogya Setu status must show candidate’s risk factor. After Aarogya Setu status display at the entry gate, candidates will be required to switch off their mobile phones, and deposit it at the designated location, to be collected while exiting.

7. All candidates (and Scribe, if applicable) will be checked with Thermo guns at the entry point for temperature. In case, any
person is observed to be having above normal temperature (> 99.14° F) or displaying any symptoms of the virus, they will
not be allowed entry into the venue.

8. In candidate registration:

a. Candidate registration will be done through photo capture and IRIS Scan (Biometric capture of Right thumb impression for VI candidates). Photo captured will be matched with the photo uploaded by you in the application.

You must NOT change your appearance from the photo uploaded by you. (Photograph of scribe will also be captured).

b. Photograph and IRIS capture will be taken while candidate is standing.

c. Seat number will be given to the candidate.

9. Rough sheet, call letter and ID proof management

a. Rough sheet(s) kept at each candidate desk will be used by candidate.

b. Candidate must follow the instructions related to dropping the call letter with the ID proof copy in the boxes provided at the exit of lab/venue while leaving or at the designated place. Candidates who availed services of scribe should submit Scribe Form along with the Call letter and Photocopy of ID proof.

c. Candidate must drop the rough sheets, call letters, ID proof copy and Scribe Declaration Form (if applicable) in the designated boxes provided at the exit of lab/venue while leaving or at the designated place indicated by Exam officials.

10. Post Examination Controls

a. On completion of examination, IRIS verification (Right Thumb Biometric verification for VI candidates) will be done for each candidate.

b. The candidates will be permitted to move out in an orderly manner one candidate at a time. Please wait for instructions from invigilator and do not get up from your seat until advised.

SBI CBO Admit Card 2022 Download Link

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By bpci

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