SBI CBO Eligibility Criteria 2022: Check Age, Qualifications, Selection, Application Process 1422 Vacancies

Jagran Josh

SBI CBO 2022 Applications started from 18th October 2022 for the recruitment of 1422 vacancies of Circle Based Officers.

SBI CBO Eligibility 2022: The State Bank of India (SBI) is inviting online applications from eligible candidates who aspire to join the State Bank of India against 1422 vacancies of Circle Based Officer (CBO). Online registration is mandatory for the recruitment process which will include three-phases: Online Written Exam, Screening, and Interview. Read more to know the eligibility criteria, age limit, educational qualifications, selection process, and application process.

SBI CBO 2022 Calendar

SBI CBO 2022 Events Important Dates
Online Application Start Date 18th October 2022
Online Application End Date 7th November 2022
Payment of Fees Last Date 7th November 2022
SBI CBO Admit Card 2022 Download Date  November/December 2022
SBI CBO 2022 Written Exam 4th December 2022 (Tentative)

SBI CBO Vacancy 2022

The candidate will have to apply for vacancy of one Circle only. A candidate applying for the vacancy of one Circle will not be eligible to apply for vacancy of any other Circle. Candidature of the applicant will be considered only against the vacancies in the Circle for which he/ she has applied/ opted. Merit list will be drawn Circle wise and category wise.

Selected candidates will be posted in the Circle against whose vacancy they are selected. The selected candidates will not be entitled for Inter-Circle transfer/ Corporate Centre Posting/ Corporate Centre Establishment Posting/ Foreign Posting up to his/ her promotion to SMGS-IV Grade OR 12 years of service, whichever is later.

Who cannot apply?

  • Candidates working with subsidiaries of Scheduled Commercial Banks will not be eligible to apply.
  • Candidates working in SBI in clerical/ supervisory cadre or employees engaged on contract basis will not be eligible to apply.
  • Candidates who have resigned from officer grade in SBI will not be eligible to apply.

SBI CBO Eligibility Criteria 2022


Indian citizens can only apply.

Age Limit

As on 30th September 2022, Candidates should not be below 21 years and Not above 30 years i.e. candidates must have been born not later than 30th September 2001 and not earlier than 1st October 1992 (both days inclusive).

Upper Age Relaxation 

SBI CBO Upper Age Relaxation 2022

Educational Qualifications

Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government including Integrated Dual Degree (IDD). Candidates possessing qualifications such as Medical, Engineering, Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant would also be eligible.

Experience (Post Essential Academic Qualification)

As on 30th September 2022, Candidates must possess minimum 2 years’ experience (Post Essential Academic Qualification Experience) as on 30.09.2022 as an officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank or any Regional Rural Bank as listed in Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India.

Candidates shall have to submit job profile certified by their existing/ previous employer(s) with whom they are/were employed.

SBI CBO Selection Process 2022

SBI CBO Selection Process will include Online Written Exam, Screening, and Interview.

(i) Online Written Exam will consist of Objective Tests for 120 marks and Descriptive Test for 50 marks. The Descriptive Test will be conducted immediately after the conclusion of the Objective Test. Candidates will be required to type their Descriptive Test answers on the computer.

(ii) Screening: Online application and documents of the candidates who will be shortlisted based on their performance in Online Written Exam will be placed before the Screening Committee constituted by the Bank. The Committee will examine whether the candidates fulfil the required eligibility criteria of experience. The Committee will match the job profile submitted by the candidates (certified by their existing/ previous employer(s) with whom they are/were employed) with the job profile of Scale-I Generalist Officer of the State Bank of India.

(iii) Interview: Interview will consist of 50 marks. Candidates will have to score minimum qualifying marks in interview to be considered for final selection. The minimum qualifying marks will be decided by the Bank.

Local Language Test

The candidates applying for vacancies of a particular Circle, should be proficient (reading, writing and understanding) in any one of the specified local languages of that Circle (mentioned against each Circle) to be selected by candidate at the time of registration of application.

The test of knowledge of specified opted local language of the applied circle will be conducted as a part of selection process. It will be conducted for provisionally selected candidates (based on performance in online test, screening and interview) before joining the Bank.

Candidate who fails to qualify this test will not be offered appointment. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language of the applied Circle as one of the subjects will not be required to undergo the language test.

Final Selection

The candidates will have to qualify both in Online Test and Interview separately. The marks obtained in Online Test, both in the Objective Test and the Descriptive Test, will be added to the marks obtained in Interview for preparing the final merit list. Final merit list would be prepared based on normalization of marks scored in Online Test and Interview with 75:25 weightage respectively.

SBI CBO Application Process 2022

Candidates can apply online only for SBI CBO 2022 from 18th October 2022 to 7th November 2022. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the Bank’s website. After registration, candidates are required to pay the requisite application fee through online mode by using debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking.

List of documents to be uploaded:

i. Recent Photograph (jpg/jpeg)

ii. Signature (jpg/jpeg)

iii. ID Proof (PDF)

iv. Proof of Date of Birth (PDF)

v. Job Profile (certified by existing/previous employers (PDF)

vi. Brief Resume – detailing educational/professional qualification, experience and assignments handled (PDF)

vii. Educational Certificates: Relevant Marksheets/ Degree/ Certificate (PDF)

viii. Experience Certificate/ Appointment Letter/ Job Offer Letter (PDF)

ix. Form-16/ Salary Slip (PDF)

Registration and Payment of Fees

  1. First scan the photograph, signature and documents as detailed under guidelines for scanning given in Annexure-I
  2. Fill the application carefully. Once the application is filled completely, candidates should submit the data. In the event of candidates not being able to fill the data in one go, they can save the data already entered. When the data is saved, a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidates should note down the registration number and password.
  3. After ensuring the correctness of the particulars of the application form, candidate should pay fees through the payment gateway integrated with the application.
  4. The payment can be made by using debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking by providing information as asked on the screen. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be borne by the candidates.

NOTE: On successful completion of the transaction, e-receipt and application form will be generated; which may be printed for record. Please DO NOT send the print-out of application to the Bank.

Application Fee


Fee Amount




Rs 750/- Non-Refundable

SBI CBO Application Form 2022

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By bpci

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