SBI CBO Exam on January 21: Check Last Minute Preparation Tips, Exam Day Guidelines, and Shift Timings

Jagran Josh

SBI CBO Last Minute Preparation Tips: The SBI CBO is scheduled to be conducted on January 21, 2024. The last minute preparation tips can help candidates improve their readiness and do well on the examination. In order to avoid conceptual confusion, it is advisable that they concentrate on revision and avoid learning anything new.


To manage the time effectively, candidates should memorise the shortcut techniques and chalk out the strategy on how to attempt the questions within the allocated time. In this blog, we have shared the best SBI CBO last minute preparation tips and exam day guidelines to ace the upcoming preliminary exam in one attempt.

SBI CBO Exam Day Guidelines

Candidates should keep in mind all the necessary guidelines before appearing in the SBI CBO 2024 to avoid causing any disturbance in the exam hall.

  • Aspirants must visit the exam centre at least 1 hour before the exam commences to complete all the formalities on time.
  • They cannot leave the exam premises before the exam ends, nor will they be permitted to reenter the SBI CBO 2024 exam centre after gate closure time.
  • It is mandatory to bring the SBI CBO admit card 2024 to the exam hall along with other necessary documents.  
  • If they fail to bring the hard copy of the SBI CBO Hall ticket 2024, it will lead to a ban on their entry to the exam hall.
  • Aspirants should adhere to all the exam day guidelines prescribed by the exam centre superintendent/invigilators.
  • As soon as they reach the exam room, they should occupy the seats they have been assigned and carefully read the instructions before starting on the question paper.
  • No personal belongings such as electronic devices, food, books, or mobile phones are permitted in the exam hall. If they find any of these belongings in the exam hall, it will lead to rejection of their candidature.

SBI CBO Exam Day Guidelines 2024: Dress Code

For convenience, candidates attending the upcoming SBI CBO Exam are required to adhere to the dress code guidelines specified in the Exam Day Guidelines 2024.

  • Examinees will not be allowed to enter the room if they are wearing caps or heavy buttoned clothing.
  • It is recommended that candidates dress comfortably and loosely to avoid last-minute hassles

SBI CBO Exam Day Guidelines 2024: Code of Conduct

Candidates are expected to behave properly and remain silent throughout the examination. Any disruption or intervention in the exam room will be considered inappropriate behaviour. Examinees who are found to be cheating or using unfair methods will have their candidatures suspended, and their ability to sit for the exam will be permanently barred or restricted for a period of time, depending on the seriousness of the violation.

SBI CBO Guidelines 2024: Documents to Carry

Exam Day Guidelines 2024 indicate that in order to prevent identity verification issues on exam day, candidates should confirm all the information listed on their admission card, including name, date of birth, gender, exam centre, category, and so on. They have to get in touch with the appropriate authority immediately if they find any mistakes.

SBI CBO Last Minute Preparation Tips 2024

SBI CBO 2024 examination is not a piece of cake. Nonetheless, candidates can still do well on the examination if they use the appropriate study materials and approach. Here are the last-minute study ideas for SBI CBO that experts have recommended to help you ace the next exam and get top marks.

Build a Section wise Strategy

Candidates must plan a section-wise SBI CBO exam strategy to attempt the maximum number of questions with high accuracy in the stipulated time period. They should know which questions must be attempted and which must be skipped. It can increase their qualifying chances in the exam.

Skip Studying New Topics

In the last few days, it is advised to revise the topics that have been covered during the preparation. Candidates should skip studying any new topic in the last leg of the preparation, as it would lead to conceptual confusion and unnecessary confusion. This can decrease their chances of obtaining favourable results in the exam.

Focus More on Weak Areas

Candidates should focus more on the weak areas to maximise their scores in the exam. After attempting mock tests, they must evaluate their performance and identify the areas that require improvement.

Time Management

Candidates should focus on time management in the last phase of preparation. They must not allocate more than one minute to any tricky question, as it will allow them to attempt the maximum number of questions with high accuracy in the stipulated period.

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