Jagran Josh
Download SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2022. SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 will be held in November 2022 for 5486 vacancies of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in clerical cadre.
SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam & COVID Instructions: The State Bank of India will be conducting the SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 on 12th, 19th, 20th, and 25th November 2022 for the recruitment of 5486 vacancies of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in the clerical cadre in the State Bank of India. The SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2022 is available for download till 25th November 2022. Candidates who will be successful in the Prelims exam will be called to appear in the SBI Clerk Mains 2022 exam which is scheduled to be held in December 2022/January 2023.
Important Notice: SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 for the recruitment of Junior Associates has been rescheduled at all centers in Himachal Pradesh due to Legislative Assembly elections.
Candidates in the state of Himachal Pradesh will be issued a revised call letter with the revised date and venue of the prelims exam. Candidates appearing for the prelims exam in Himachal Pradesh have been notified by SMS and mail on their registered mobile number and email ID. The prelims exam scheduled on 12th November 2022 for all other states will be conducted as per the exam schedule.
SBI Clerk 2022 Calendar
Events |
SBI Clerk 2022 Dates |
SBI Clerk 2022 Notification |
6th September 2022 |
SBI Clerk Online Application Starts |
7th September 2022 |
SBI Clerk Online Application Closes |
27th September 2022 |
Pre-Exam Training |
October 2022 |
SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card Download Date |
30th October to 25th November 2022 |
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Date |
12th, 19th, 20th, 25th November 2022 |
SBI Clerk Prelims Result |
November 2022 |
SBI Clerk Mains Exam Date |
December 2022 – January 2023 |
Also Read: SBI Clerk Eligibility Criteria 2022: Check Age, Qualifications, Selection, Application Process
Also Read: SBI Clerk Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Promotion, Job Profile
Also Read: SBI Clerk 2022: Check Syllabus & Latest Exam Pattern Prelims & Mains
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2022
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2022 |
Sr. No. |
Name of Test |
Medium of Exam |
No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1 |
English Language |
* |
30 |
30 |
20 minutes |
2 |
Numerical Ability |
* |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
3 |
Reasoning Ability |
* |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
Total |
100 |
100 |
1 Hour |
Also Read: SBI Clerk 2022 Prelims: Check Preparation Strategy for Numerical Ability
Also Read: SBI Clerk 2022 Prelims: Check Preparation Strategy for Reasoning Ability
Also Read: SBI Clerk 2022 Prelims: Check Preparation Strategy for English Language
SBI Clerk Prelims 2022: Check Exam Instructions
1. A login screen will be displayed to the candidate. The candidate has to log in using his/her User ID and Password which is provided in the Call Letter. After logging in Candidate’s profile (Name, Roll No. & photograph, etc.) will be displayed and the candidate has to confirm the same by clicking on the ‘I confirm’ button confirming the profile is correct.
2. The version of tests will be in English and the Language as applicable to the State (under which the application is registered). The questions will appear in English and the selected language as applicable to the State.
3. After selecting an answer for a question the candidate should click on the ‘SAVE & NEXT’ button to save his answer and proceed to the next question. Note that without clicking on the ‘Save & Next’ button the answer selected for a question will not be saved. However, after the expiry of the exam duration, candidates will not be able to attempt any questions or check their answers. A candidate’s answers would be automatically saved by the computer system even if he has not clicked the ‘Submit’ button.
4. Each question number will be displayed in a particular color depending on the status of the question:
5. Under no circumstances should a candidate click on any of the ‘keyboard keys’ once the exam starts as this will lock the exam.
Also Read: SBI Clerk 2022 Prelims: Check Best 5 Last-Minute Tips to Score High
SBI Clerk Prelims 2022: Check COVID-19 Guidelines
1. Candidate is required to report at the exam venue as per the time slot mentioned in the Call Letter. Latecomers will not be allowed to take the test.
2. Mapping of the ‘Candidate Roll Number and the Lab Number’ will NOT be displayed outside the exam venue, but the same will be intimated to the candidates individually at the time of the entry of the candidate to the exam venue.
3. Candidates will be permitted to carry only certain items with them into the venue:
- Gloves
- Personal transparent water bottle (Candidates should bring their own water bottle)
- Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
- A simple pen, pencils, erasers. Candidates must bring glue for pasting photos and ink stamp pad for affixing left thumb impression.
- Exam-related documents (Call Letter and Photocopy of the ID card stapled with it, ID Card in Original and 2 additional photographs.) Original ID (same as Photocopy) is also to be brought for verification. The name on the ID and on the Call Letter should be exactly the same.
4. In the case of Scribe Candidates: The scribe form is duly filled and signed with Photograph affixed.
5. Maintain Social Distancing: Candidates should not share any of their personal belonging/material with anyone. Candidates should maintain safe social distance from one another. Candidate should stand in the row as per the instructions provided at the venue.
6. If a candidate is availing services of a scribe, then the scribe also should bring their own Gloves, N95 Mask, sanitizer (50ml), and transparent water bottle. Wearing a mask is compulsory. Both candidate and Scribe will require to be wearing N95 Mask.
7. A Candidate must have Aarogya Setu App installed on his mobile phone. The Aarogya Setu status must show the candidate’s risk factor. A candidate will have to display this status to the Security Guard at the entry into the exam venue. In case a candidate does not have a smartphone, he/she will have to bring in a signed declaration to this effect (a declaration is provided along with this Call Letter) and show the same to the Security Guard at the entry into the exam venue. Candidates with Moderate or High-Risk Status on Aarogya Setu App will not be allowed entry.
8. All candidates (and Scribe, if applicable) will be checked with Thermo guns at the entry point for temperature. In case, any person is observed to be having above normal temperature (> 99.14° F) or displaying any symptoms of the virus, they will not be allowed entry into the venue.
9. In candidate registration:
- Candidate registration will be done through photo capture. The photo captured will be matched with the photo uploaded by you in the application. You must NOT change your appearance from the photo uploaded by you.
- Photograph capture will be done while the candidate is standing.
- The seat number will be given to the candidate.
10. Rough sheet, call letter, and ID proof management:
- Call letter of the Preliminary Exam will not be collected at the examination venue. However, it will be duly authenticated/Stamped by the exam officials. The candidate will need to retain the call letter (along with authenticated/stamped copy of the ID proof) safely. Those candidates who are called for Main Exam will be required to bring these documents (Call letter & copy of ID proof) along with the Main Exam call letter and other requisite documents as per information provided in the “acquaint yourself booklet” and call letter of the main examination.
- Rough sheet(s) kept at each candidate’s desk will be used by the candidate.
- Those candidates who avail of the services of Scribe should submit the Scribe form in the boxes provided at the exit of the lab/venue while leaving or at the designated place.
- Candidate must drop the rough sheets in the boxes provided at the exit of the lab/venue while leaving or at the designated place indicated by Exam officials.
10. Post-Examination Controls:
- On completion of the examination, the candidates will be permitted to move out in an orderly manner one candidate at a time. Please wait for instructions from the invigilator and do not get up from your seat until advised.
Wish you the best!
SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2022 (Link Active)
#SBI #Clerk #Prelims #Begins #12th #November #Check #Exam #Instructions #COVID #Guidelines