SBI Clerk Admit Card 2023-24 OUT: Download JA Prelims Hall Ticket Link at

Jagran Josh

SBI Clerk Admit Card 2023:  State Bank of India released the call letters for candidates appearing in the preliminary exam scheduled on January 5, 6, 11, and 12, 2024. The admit card is available on the IBPS website ( and the SBI website ( The admit card is available from 26 Dec to 12 Jan 2024.

SBI JA Admit Card Link 2023

Candidates are required to download the admit card using their registration details, such as the registration number and date of birth. The link is activated today on the website of the bank.

SBI JA Admit Card Link: Things to Carry at Exam Centre

Candidates should carry a photo identity proof (passport, Aadhar, PAN Card, Driving License, Voter’s Card, Bank Passbook with a duly attested photograph, or an Identity Card issued by a School or College/Gazetted Officer on official letterhead) in original, along with a self-attested photocopy.

The photocopy of the identity proof must be presented along with the call letter to the invigilators in the examination hall. Failure to do so, or if the identity of the candidate is in doubt, will result in the candidate not being permitted to appear for the test.

How to Download SBI JA Admit Card 2023: Check Steps

Step 1: Go to the Bank’s website or IBPS website

Step 2: Click on the admit card link appearing on the page ‘

Step 3: Enter the login details and login

Step 4: Download SBI Clerk Prelims Call Letter

SBI JA Exam Pattern 2023

The mode of the exam is online. The total marks of the exam are 100 divided as follows:

  • English language English – 30 marks
  • Numerical Ability – 35 marks
  • Reasoning Ability – 35 marks

Each section will be given 30 minutes to complete the exam. There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4th of the marks assigned for each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. 

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By bpci

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