SBI PO 2023 admit card likely next week, steps to download from

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State Bank of India (SBI) is expected to release next week admit cards for the preliminary examination which will be held for recruitment of Probationary Officers. When released, candidates can download SBI PO admit cards from

SBI PO 2023: Steps to download admit card from (Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg)(Bloomberg)

As per the official notification of the exam, SBI PO call letters (admit card) will be available on the website from the second week of October.

The preliminary examination is scheduled for November and the exact date and time are awaited. .When released, candidates can download their admit cards by following the steps given below.

SBI PO Prelims Admit Card 2023: Steps to download

Visit the official website of SBI at

Go to the careers page and then to current openings.

Open the SBI PO page and click on the link to download call letters.

Enter your credentials to login.

Check and download your admit card.

Take a printout for the exam day and for future uses.

This recruitment drive at SBI will fill up a total of 2,000 Probationary Officer vacancies. Those who have applied for it should visit the bank’s website for more details.

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By bpci

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