Scholarship details for Indian Students at Texas A&M University

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 Scholarship details for Indian Students at Texas A&M University

Scholarship information for Indian Students at Texas A&M University. The founders established Texas A&M University in 1876, making it the first public institution of higher education. Texas A&M University enrolls around 10,000 postgraduate students and equips them with top-of-the-line research programs and instruction from award-winning teaching staff. Texas A&M University ranks among the top 25 public universities globally, with excellent student retention and graduation rates. This makes it a favorite among students from different backgrounds.

Most students around the globe dream of studying at Penn State University, but money can be an obstacle. To help gifted international students, the university provides scholarships to meritorious, gifted, and needy students.

1.       Eppright Outstanding International Student Award


Texas A&M University offers this to international graduate students who meet specific criteria.The university makes this scholarship available to students who meet its eligibility criteria, which include holding a 3.5 GPR, participating extensively in campus and community extra-curricular activities in a leadership position, and completing at least two full semesters of enrollment at Texas A&M, excluding the current semester.

Scholarship Amount: $ 2,000 cash annually

How to apply: The university requires candidates to enroll before they become eligible for these scholarships, grants, and awards.

2.       Shibata International Memorial Scholarship


Texas A&M University selects international students who currently enroll at the university, demonstrate high academic standards, and exhibit curiosity and openness to the people and traditions of other countries. Additionally, the student must actively participate in organizations beyond international ones.

Scholarship Amount: $ 500 for one semester

How to apply: The candidates need to be enrolled at the university before becoming eligible for these scholarships, grants, and awards.

3.       Tina Watkins Scholarship


The Tina Watkins Scholarship is exclusively for self-supported international students currently enrolled at Texas A&M University. To qualify, applicants must be in their first, second, or third semester, maintain a minimum cumulative GPR of 3.0, and not have previously received the scholarship.

Scholarship Amount: $ 500

How to apply: The candidates need to be enrolled at the university before becoming eligible for these scholarships, grants, and awards.

4.       Fullbright Foreign Student Program

Eligibility: Any international students who have completed their undergraduate education and hold a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree are eligible

Scholarship Amount: Amount covering the tuition, airfare, living stipend, and health insurance.

How to apply: The foreign students need to apply through the Fullbright Commission/foundation or the U.S. Embassy in their home countries.

5. University Level Scholarship

Texas A&M University (TAMU) offers various university-level to international students, recognizing academic excellence leadership, and financial need. To be considered, students must submit the university application through a competitive process.



Texas A&M University offers a wide range of scholarships to support Indian students in achieving their academic goals. With its strong reputation, academic excellence, and diverse community, the university provides the ideal environment for Indian students. By exploring these students can unlock their passions, and create a brighter future for themselves. Texas A&M University is an excellent choice for Indian students seeking a world-class education.

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