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Scholarship For Indians at Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser University (SFU), located in British Columbia, Canada, operates three campuses: Burnaby Mountain, Downtown Vancouver, and Surrey. SFU emphasizes interdisciplinary programs, offering flexible education with a focus on breadth of study, writing, and quantitative skills. SFU earned the nickname “The Instant University” after rapidly growing from a vision to a campus with 2,500 students in just 30 months. As part of its commitment to global diversity, SFU offers various incentives, including the International Mobility Award, which provides up to $2,500 towards education. Specifically, the Scholarship For Indians at Simon Fraser University aims to support talented Indian students in pursuing their academic goals at SFU.
Seeing all these students automatically grow interested and dream of pursuing their postgraduation degree from this university.
Students worldwide apply to this university, but many face financial barriers. To help, the university offers scholarships to meritorious and talented international students who cannot afford admission due to financial need or other challenges The government and many private organizations also provide scholarships to needy students.
Given below are the details of some of the scholarships that are available at/for this university for international students for admission to the Master’s degree. Although the list contains mainly those scholarships in which the students from India are eligible to apply.
The scholarship for the Indian students available here are:
1. International Mobility Award
Eligibility: Any international student with a minimum 2.00 CGPA is eligible. The candidate needs to apply and be accepted for an SFU Formal Exchange Program or Field School. The candidate must not hold IMA as well as BIMA together in a single SFU academic exchange or field school term.
>Scholarship Amount: Up to $ 1,000
How to Apply:
The university will make the application form available for download on its website. The field school organizers will directly email the application form to participants. To apply, complete the form and submit a hard copy to International Services for Students by the deadline. If unable, email goexchange@sfu.ca in advance to arrange an alternative.
For more details visit: https://www.sfu.ca/
2. Computing Science Graduate Fellowship
Eligibility: The candidate must be registered in a full-time regular Master’ course in this university, and must have exceptional marks in their highest qualification.
>Scholarship Amount: Up to $ 6,000 per year in total
How to Apply: The application form is available at the following link “http://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/dean-gradstudies/scholarships/Private-Awards/Department%20Scholarship%20Application%20Form.pdf”. The candidate needs to post the filled up form to the department of enrolment.
For more details visit: http://www.sfu.ca/dean-gradstudies/awards/departmental-awards/computing-gf.html
3. Undergraduate Scholars Entrance Scholarships (USES)
The Undergraduate Scholars Entrance Scholarships (USES) are merit-based scholarships for academically talented students entering SFU straight from high school. Domestic and international students, including Indians, are eligible to apply. The USES program is looking for students who have achieved top grades and are willing to contribute to their communities through co-curricular activities.
Eligibility Criteria:
Academic Distinction: Applicants must have obtained grades in the 90% range or better. For International Baccalaureate (IB) students, a minimum of 31 IB points, not including bonus points predicted, is expected.
Recent High School Graduate: Applicants must be graduating from high school in their last year or have graduated in the previous year without taking any post-secondary courses.
SFU Admission Requirements: A candidate should satisfy the admission requirements for the desired program at SFU.
Extracurricular Involvement: The demonstrated excellence in extracurricular pursuits, leadership activities, volunteerism, or other community activities is mandatory.
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