Scholarship Opportunities for Indian Students at University of Oklahoma

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Feb 5 • Resources • 1340 Views • No Comments on Scholarship Opportunities for Indian Students at University of Oklahoma

The University of Oklahoma offers a wide variety of scholarship opportunities for the admitted incoming freshmen based on some criteria such as academics, leadership potential, community involvement, the intended major, extracurricular interests, etc. They have started this facility because they know very well that many students in different parts of the world are extraordinarily meritorious but don’t get much scope. The university gives those students a platform to excel.

Given below are the details of those scholarships provided by the University of Oklahoma in which the Indian students get the chances to avail. All the scholarships are mainly for admission to the Master’s degree in this University.

The available scholarships are:

1.       National Merit Scholars

This scholarship is a combination of state, university, and National Merit funding.
Eligibility: Those National Merit Finalists who name OU as his/her college choice.
Scholarship Amount: $ 98,000

2.       Oklahoma State Regents’ Institutional Nominee

This scholarship is a partial tuition waiver plus a cash award from the state over the course period. A limited number of scholarships is only available.
Eligibility: Those who satisfy the minimum qualifying criteria and award amount set annually by the State Regents
Scholarship Amount: $ 31,200

3.       Award of Excellence

This scholarship is a partial tuition waiver over the course period.
Eligibility: Those who have a 3.75 GPA or are in the top 10% class rank
Scholarship Amount: $ 20,000

4.       Distinguished Scholars

This scholarship is a partial tuition waiver over the course period.
Eligibility: Those who have a 3.75 GPA or are in the top 10% class rank
Scholarship Amount: $ 14,000

5.       University Scholars

This scholarship is a partial tuition waiver for freshmen.
Eligibility: Those who have a 3.5 GPA or are in the top 10% class rank
Scholarship Amount: $ 2,500

6.       President’s Leadership Class

This scholarship is a partial tuition waiver plus a cash stipend. The selection is highly competitive.
Eligibility: Based on the information provided in the admission/scholarship application about leadership, volunteer activities, and honors/awards the student will be selected
Scholarship Amount: $ 20,750

7.       President’s Community Scholars

This scholarship is a partial tuition waiver plus cash scholarships. The selection is highly competitive.
Eligibility: Based on the information provided in your admission/scholarship application about volunteer and community involvement, leadership, and achievements the student will be selected
Scholarship Amount: $ 20,000

8.       Legacy Scholars Award

This scholarship covers the non-resident partial tuition waiver for freshman year. It may be combined with other academic-based tuition waivers also.
Eligibility: Admissible nonresidents whose parent or grandparent have graduated from OU and who have at least a 26 ACT or 1170 SA are eligible for this scholarship
Scholarship Amount: $ 1,000

9.       American Indian Scholars Scholarship

This scholarship covers the non-resident partial tuition waiver over the course period.
Eligibility: This scholarship is available to all non-residents with documented affiliation to one of the 39 federally recognized American Indian tribes of Oklahoma. Academic credentials are also used for the selection.
Scholarship Amount: $ 12,800

How to Apply

To apply for admission to the university along with a scholarship the candidates need to visit and complete the admission/scholarship application. The candidate may also need to write essays, attend interviews, and auditions, and send portfolios, etc. in some cases. The application must be submitted within the deadline.

Contact details:

Address: 660 Parrington Oval, Norman, OK 73019, United States


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Scholarship Opportunities for Indian Students at University of Oklahoma


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