Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
NATA Admit Card 2023: The Council of Architecture (CA) has released the admit card for the second National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2023 on its official website.
Aspiring candidates can now download their hall tickets by visiting the official website at In order to obtain the NATA 2023 hall ticket, candidates need to enter their credentials, including their NATA application form 2023 number and password.
It is important to note that the second NATA exam is scheduled to be held on June 3, 2023. This examination serves as a crucial step for students aspiring to pursue a career in architecture.
In addition, the registration process for the third NATA exam is now open. This exam is slated to take place on July 9, 2023. Aspiring candidates, who were unable to appear for the second NATA exam or wish to improve their scores, have the opportunity to register for the upcoming test.
For those interested in downloading the admit card for the second NATA 2023 exam, a direct link has been provided at Candidates are advised to access the link and follow the instructions to obtain their admit card promptly.
All NATA aspirants must keep track of the examination dates, registration processes, and other relevant updates shared by the Council of Architecture (CA) through their official website.
Direct link to download NATA 2nd Admit Card 2023
Here are the steps on how to download the admit card:
Visit the official website: Go to the official website of the organization conducting the exam.
Look for the Admit Card section: Locate the “Admit Card” or “Download Hall Ticket” section on the website’s homepage.
Find the relevant exam: In the Admit Card section, find the specific link or tab related to the exam for which you need to download the admit card.
Click on the admit card link: Click on the provided link to access the admit card download page.
Enter required credentials: On the admit card download page, you may be required to enter certain details such as your registration number, date of birth, or other relevant information. Fill in the required credentials accurately.
Download and print the admit card: After entering the required information, click on the “Download” or “Print” button to save the admit card on your device. Make sure to take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
Aspiring candidates can now download their hall tickets by visiting the official website at In order to obtain the NATA 2023 hall ticket, candidates need to enter their credentials, including their NATA application form 2023 number and password.
It is important to note that the second NATA exam is scheduled to be held on June 3, 2023. This examination serves as a crucial step for students aspiring to pursue a career in architecture.
In addition, the registration process for the third NATA exam is now open. This exam is slated to take place on July 9, 2023. Aspiring candidates, who were unable to appear for the second NATA exam or wish to improve their scores, have the opportunity to register for the upcoming test.
For those interested in downloading the admit card for the second NATA 2023 exam, a direct link has been provided at Candidates are advised to access the link and follow the instructions to obtain their admit card promptly.
All NATA aspirants must keep track of the examination dates, registration processes, and other relevant updates shared by the Council of Architecture (CA) through their official website.
Direct link to download NATA 2nd Admit Card 2023
Here are the steps on how to download the admit card:
Visit the official website: Go to the official website of the organization conducting the exam.
Look for the Admit Card section: Locate the “Admit Card” or “Download Hall Ticket” section on the website’s homepage.
Find the relevant exam: In the Admit Card section, find the specific link or tab related to the exam for which you need to download the admit card.
Click on the admit card link: Click on the provided link to access the admit card download page.
Enter required credentials: On the admit card download page, you may be required to enter certain details such as your registration number, date of birth, or other relevant information. Fill in the required credentials accurately.
Download and print the admit card: After entering the required information, click on the “Download” or “Print” button to save the admit card on your device. Make sure to take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
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Sanjay Sharma
#NATA #Exam #Admit #Card #released #download #Times #India