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In the ranking of the influence of universities in the Internet space, SibFU has grown by 46 positions.
In six months, SibFU has risen to 1202nd place in the world Webometrics Ranking among more than 31,000 higher educational institutions in the world. Among Russian universities, it consistently holds the 16th place and is among the top twenty universities in the country. For comparison, in January last year, SibFU was ranked 1248th in the global ranking.
Since 2004, Ranking Web (or Webometrics Ranking) has been publishing the results of data analysis twice a year: in early January and July.
Since 2024, the ranking criteria have changed. Now it ranks universities according to the following indicators:
- “Visibility”, takes into account web content, influence;
- “Openness”, the most cited researchers are considered;
- “Excellence” takes into account the most cited papers.
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