Employment News: Latest Updates on Employment News Today, Govt Jobs Alert | Hindustan Times
School of Open Learning, Delhi University has invited applications for non teaching posts. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of SOL, DU at sol.du.ac.in. This recruitment drive will fill up 77 posts in the organization.
The last date to apply is till November 4, 2023. Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details.
Candidates who want to apply for the post can check the educational qualification and age limit through the Detailed Notification available here.
The selection process will comprise of written exam followed by interview round. The Shortlisted candidates called for written examination/interview (if applicable) should report along with all the testimonials/certificates in original along with photo ID. A set of photocopies of certificates/ testimonials with respect to the qualifications and experience indicated in the application form, duly certified by the applicant should be submitted at the time of the interview.
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