SSC CGL 2023 Tier 2 Admit Card Released at – News18

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This SSC CGL recruitment campaign will fill a total of 7500 vacancies in various Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ positions in the government of India(Representative Image)

The SSC CGL tier 2 test will be held from October 25 to October 27 and admit cards for the same are now available at

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) tier 2 exam admit card 2023 has been issued by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Candidates may now download their admit cards for the NWR, WR, and NER zones. Candidates who intend to take the combined graduate level tier 2 exam can access their SSC CGL admit card at

The tier 2 admit card may now be downloaded from the relevant regional websites by candidates who passed the SSC CGL tier 1 test by providing their registration number, date of birth, and other information.

The results of the SSC CGL Tier 1 test were released on September 20. According to the results, 4,377 applicants have been selected for the positions of assistant audit officer and assistant accounts officer. There were 3,123 individuals chosen for junior statistical officers, 3140 for statistical investigators, and 71,112 for other positions. The SSC CGL tier 2 test will be held from October 25 to October 27. The exam will be administered in numerous shifts at various examination venues.

SSC CGL tier 2 result 2023: How to download

Step 1: Go to the regional or official website,

Step 2: Select the link for the CGL tier 2 admit card 2023.

Step 3: Enter your login information, such as your registration number and date of birth.

Step 4: Select the admit card option from the screen.

Step 5: The SSC CGL 2023 tier 2 admit card will be opened on the device.

Step 5: Print a copy of the SSC CGL 2023 admit card after downloading it for your records.

The SSC CGL tier-2 exam will consist of three exams of which Paper 1 is mandatory for all vacancies. Applicants who have been chosen for the position of junior statistical officer (JSO) will take Paper 2, while applicants for the position of assistant audit officer and assistant accounts officer will take Paper 3.

This SSC CGL recruitment campaign will fill a total of 7500 vacancies in various Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ positions throughout the Government of India’s Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations. Candidates’ performance in SSC CGL Tier 1, Tier 2, and interviews will determine who qualifies to the final round of selection.

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By bpci

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