SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2023: Tier 1, Tier 2 Revised Paper Pattern, Marking Scheme

Jagran Josh

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier I exam is qualifying in nature however compulsory for all. Tier II exam comprises three papers i.e Papers I, II, and III. Paper I is mandatory for all posts. Paper II will be for only JSO and Statistical Investigator Grade-II posts. Paper III will be for only Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post.

Get All Details About SSC CGL Exam Pattern Here.

Get All Details About SSC CGL Exam Pattern Here.

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2023: The Staff Selection Commission conducts the SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam in two stages: Tier I and Tier II for various Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts in different Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations of the Government of India and various Constitutional Bodies/ Statutory Bodies/ Tribunals, etc.

As per the revised SSC CGL exam pattern, the Tier I exam is qualifying in nature however compulsory for all aspirants. However, the Tier II exam comprises three papers i.e Papers I, II, and III. Paper I is mandatory for all posts, Paper II will be for only those candidates who apply for the Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Grade-II posts and Paper III will be for only those candidates who apply for Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post. Marks obtained in the Tier II exam shall be considered for final selection.

In this article, we have shared the detailed exam pattern for Tier I and Tier II along with the marking scheme, question pattern and weightage.

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2023

SSC stands for Staff Selection Commission which is the exam conducting body for the CGL exam. We have given below the key highlights of the exam pattern for all the aspirants who are going to appear in the upcoming exam.

Conducting Body

Staff Selection Commission


Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’

Post Name

Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer

Junior Statistical Officer

Statistical Investigator Grade-II

Research Assistant in National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

All other Posts

SSC CGL Selection Process

Tier I & Tier II


7500 (tentative)

Exam Mode

Computer-Based Test (Online)

Question Type

Tier I: Objective Type, Multiple choice questions

Tier II: Objective Type, Multiple choice questions, except for Module II of Section-III of Paper-I

Negative Marking


SSC CGL Exam Pattern for Tier I

  • The Tier-I Exam Pattern comprises 4 sections with 100 objective-type, multiple-choice questions for 200 marks.
  • The questions will be available in both English & Hindi except for English Comprehension. 
  • There will be a negative marking of 0.50 for each wrong answer.
  • The four sections in the Tier I exam are General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension.

SSC CGL Tier I Exam Pattern



Number of Questions

Maximum marks



General Intelligence and Reasoning



1 hour



General Awareness




Quantitative Aptitude




English Comprehension






Also Read: SSC CGL Cut Off 2023: Check Expected & Previous Year Cut off Marks

SSC CGL Exam Pattern for Tier II

  • The SSC CGL Tier II exam pattern comprises three papers i.e paper I, II, and III. Paper I is mandatory for all posts. Paper II will be for only those candidates who apply for the Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Grade-II posts. Paper III will be for only those candidates who apply for Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post.
  • Tier-II (all papers) shall consist of objective type, multiple choice questions, except for module-II of section-III of paper-I. 
  • The questions shall be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English Language and Comprehension module in section II of paper-I. 
  • Negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer shall be applicable in section-I, section II, and module-I of section III of paper-I and 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in paper-II and paper-III. 
  • It will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify all the sections of Paper-I.


Tier II Papers



Paper-I: (Compulsory for all posts)

2 hours 30 minutes


Paper-II: Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)

2 hours


Paper-III: Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer

2 hours

Below, we have discussed the Tier II exam pattern in detail for each paper. Candidates can refer to CGL Syllabus here for detailed topics (Tier I and Tier II).

SSC CGL Tier II Paper 1 Exam Pattern

Paper 1 of Tier II shall be conducted in two sessions – Session I and Session II. In session I, there shall be three sections and two modules in each section. Candidates shall get 1 hour to complete section I (two modules). Immediately after completion of section I, candidates shall sit for section II (two modules) for which they shall get 1 hour. After section II is successfully concluded, section III (module I) shall commence immediately for which candidates shall get 15 minutes.

On completion of module I of section III, session I shall come to an end. After the completion of session I, candidates will get a break for re-registration for session II. The module II of section III shall be held in session II for which candidates shall get 15 minutes.

SSC CGL Tier I Paper 1 Exam Pattern





No. of Questions




Session I

Section I


Mathematical Abilities




1 hour


Reasoning and General Intelligence




Section II


English Language and Comprehension




1 hour


General Awareness




Section III


Computer Knowledge Test




15 minutes

Session II


Data Entry Speed Test 

One Data Entry Task


15 minutes

SSC CGL Tier II Paper 2 and 3 Exam Pattern

Paper-II will be for only those candidates who apply for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and Statistical Investigator Grade-II in the office of Registrar General of India (M/o Home Affairs) and who are shortlisted in Tier-I for these Posts. 

Paper-III will be for only those candidates who are shortlisted in Tier-I for Paper-III i.e. for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer.

SSC CGL Tier II Paper 2 & Paper 3 Exam Pattern



No. of question

Maximum Marks


Paper II




2 hours

Paper III

General Studies (Finance and Economics)



2 hours

SSC CGL Final Merit

  • All the candidates qualified in both Tier I & Tier II stages will be shortlisted for Document Verification. They will be required to appear for Document Verification along with the photocopies and original documents as prescribed by the commission.
  • The final SSC CGL Merit list will be prepared on the basis of the overall performance of candidates in the Tier-II Examination only.
  • The CGL Merit List for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Grade-II will be prepared based on the aggregate marks obtained in section-I & section-II of paper-I and paper-II of Tier-II examination subject to qualifying section-III (both modules) of paper-I of Tier-II.
  • The SSC CGL Merit List for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer will be prepared based on the aggregate marks obtained in section-I & section-II of paper-I and paper-III of Tier-II examination subject to qualifying section-III (both modules) of paper-I of Tier-I.


Q1. What is the SSC CGL exam pattern for Tier I?

The Tier-I Exam Pattern comprises 4 sections ( General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension) with 100 objective-type, multiple-choice questions for 200 marks.

Q2.What is the SSC CGL exam pattern for Tier II?

The Tier II exam pattern comprises three papers i.e paper I, II, and III. Paper I is mandatory for all posts. Paper II will be for only those candidates who apply for the Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Grade-II posts. Paper III will be for only those candidates who apply for Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post. Tier-II (all papers) shall consist of objective type, multiple choice questions, except for module-II of section-III of paper-I.

Q3. What are the minimum qualifying marks for CGL Exam?

Minimum qualifying marks in Tier-I, Section-I, Section-II & Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I of Tier-II, Paper-II & Paper-III of Tier-II Exam shall be 30% for the UR category, 25% for OBC/ EWS category, and 20% for all other categories.

Q4. Is there any negative marking for SSC CGL exam?

There will be a negative marking of 0.50 for each wrong answer in the Tier I exam. In Tier II, there shall be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II, and Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I and 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II and Paper-III.

Q5. Is there interview in SSC CGL exam?

No. There is no interview in SSC CGL. The SSC CGL Tier I Exam is qualifying in nature and scores obtained in this stage is not considered in the final merit list. The final SSC CGL Merit list will be prepared on the basis of the overall performance of candidates in the Tier-II Examination only.

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