SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key 2023 OUT: Download Response Sheet, Compare Your Score with Expected Cutoff Marks

Jagran Josh

SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 Answer Key OUT: Know how to download the SSC CGL response sheet and challenge the SSC CGL Tier-1 answer key released at the official website – Also, compare your score with the SSC CGL expected cut-off marks 2023.

SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 Answer Key OUT: The Staff Selection Commission has released the SSC CGL 2023 Tier-1 exam answer keys and response sheet at the official website – Candidates are required to check their answers in the response sheet and can challenge any question/answer if they find it to be wrong. However, candidates need to pay Rs. 100 per question/answer challenged. The Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier-1 examination was held from July 14 to July 27, 2023.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2023 Released: View Response Sheet

Tentative Answer Keys of the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam have been placed on the official website of the commission. Candidates can go through the answer keys and submit online representations, if any, within the stipulated time limit on payment of Rs.100/- per question, which is non-refundable. Representations received through any other mode, e.g. letter, application, email, etc. will not be entertained. Representation regarding the answer keys will be scrutinized before finalizing the answer keys and the decision of the commission in this regard will be final.

Candidates can check the response sheet along with the tentative answer keys from the link given below:

Link for candidate’s response sheet, tentative answer keys, and submission of representation

Representation in respect of the tentative Answer Keys, if any, may be submitted online from August 1 2023 on payment of Rs. 100/- per question/answer challenged. The candidates may take a printout of their respective response Sheets, as the same will not be available after the above-specified time limit.

How to Download SSC CGL Response Sheet 2023?

The availability of the response sheet is limited to a specific time frame. So, it is advisable to download and save the response sheet as soon as it is made available to you:

Step-1: Visit the official SSC Website –

Step-2: On the homepage, look for the login link.

Step-3: If you have already registered for the SSC CGL exam, log in to your account using your registration number/roll number and password/date of birth.

Step-4: After logging in, look for the link or option to access the response sheet for the SSC CGL 2023 Tier-1 exam.

Step-5: Once you access the Response Sheet, verify that the details displayed (such as your name, roll number, and exam date) match your actual information.

Step-6: If everything is correct, download the SSC CGL Tier-1 response sheet and save it for future reference.

Step-7: The response sheet will contain the recorded responses you submitted during the exam for each question. You can cross-check your answers with the official answer key to estimate your potential score.

Compare Your Score with SSC CGL Expected Cutoff Marks 2023

After checking the Answer Key and the Response Sheet, students are advised to compare their score with the expected cut-off marks as shared below in the link:

Check SSC CGL Expected Cutoff Marks Postwise 2023

The category-wise minimum qualifying marks for the SSC CGL Tier-1 computer-based examinations are as follows:


Minimum Qualifying Marks





All other categories


The marks scored by candidates in the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam 2023, if conducted in multiple shifts, will be normalized by using the formula and such normalized scores will be used to determine final merit and cut-off marks.

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By bpci

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