SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus 2023: Subject-wise Revised Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

SSC CGL Syllabus 2023 is released by the Staff Selection Commission for Tier 2 exam. Check out the SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus for all subjects- English, Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge, Reasoning, Finance and Statistics.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2023 is prescribed by the Staff Selection Commission along with the official recruitment notification. Qualified candidates must go through the complete syllabus of each subject to begin their preparation on the right note. The SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus comprises 6 subjects- English, Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge, Reasoning, Finance and Statistics.

Having a detailed knowledge of subject-wise SSC CGL Syllabus 2023 Tier 2 is crucial for the candidates to channelize their efforts in the right direction. Check out the detailed subject-wise SSC CGL Tier 2 syllabus below.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus 2023

SSC CGL Tier 2 is the second stage of the Combined Graduate Level Examination. More than 24 lakh candidates applied for SSC CGL 2023, and approximately 81,752 candidates have qualified for the Tier 2 exam. To do well, it is important to cognizant with the SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus as it is the final stage of the selection process. In this article, we have mentioned the detailed subject-wise SSC CGL syllabus for Tier 2.

SSC CGL Maths Syllabus Tier 2

Through this section, candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their understanding of the numbers and equations. It is one of the most important and difficult sections of the exam. Check out the SSC CGL Maths Syllabus for Tier 2 in the table below.

SSC CGL Quant Syllabus

Ratio and Proportion

Speed, time, and distance





Boat & Stream



Pipes & Cistern

Problem on Ages

Profit, Loss & Discount

Data Interpretation


Also, check:

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus General Awareness

SSC CGL GK Syllabus is really vast. It includes topics like, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy and Scientific Research, Current Affairs, Books and Authors, Sports, Important schemes started by the government, Important Days & Dates, Initiatives taken by the Government etc.

SSC CGL Reasoning Syllabus Tier 2

In the SSC CGL syllabus for Tier 2, a total of 30 questions will be asked for 90 marks. The maximum number of questions are asked from topics like Coding Decoding, Analogy, Blood Relation, Syllogism etc. We have tabulated all the important topics of the Reasoning section in the Tier 2 SSC CGL syllabus below.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus 2023 Reasoning

Coding Decoding


Alphabet Test


Counting of figures

Paper-cutting & folding

Similarities and differences

Figure Series


Cube & Dice

SSC CGL English Syllabus Tier 2

SSC CGL English syllabus remains the same for both tier 1 and tier 2 exams. The commission aims to test the candidates’ knowledge and fluency in the English language. Refer to the table below to know SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus 2023 for the English section.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus for English

Reading Comprehension

Synonyms and Antonyms

Fill in the blanks

Direct & Indirect

Cloze Test

Active and Passive voice

Sentence Improvement

Idioms and Phrases

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus 2023 Statistics

Candidates who aspire to become Jr. Statistical Investigator will have to clear Paper 2 of SSC CGL Tier 2 in order to get their dream job. This section is added to test candidates’ knowledge of statistics.

SSC CGL Statistics Syllabus 2023



Collection Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data

Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; and Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions.

Correlation and Regression

Scatter diagram; simple correlation coefficient; simple regression lines; Spearman‟s rank correlation; Measures of association of attributes; Multiple regression; Multiple and partial correlations (For three variables only)

Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis

Different types of moments and their relationship; the meaning of skewness and kurtosis; different measures of skewness and kurtosis

Measures of Dispersion

Common measures dispersion – range, quartile deviations, mean deviation, and standard deviation; Measures of relative dispersion

Collection Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data

Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions

Measures of Central Tendency

Common measures of central tendency – mean median and mode; Partition values- quartiles, deciles, percentiles

Probability Theory

Important topics in the tier 2 SSC CGL syllabus include, Meaning of probability, Different definitions of probability; Conditional probability; Compound probability; Independent events; Bayes‟ theorem

Time Series Analysis

Components of time series, Determination of trend components by different methods, Measurement of seasonal variation by different methods

Random Variable and Probability Distributions

Random variable; Probability functions; Expectation and Variance of a random variable; Higher moments of a random variable; Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions; Joint distribution of two random variables (discrete)

Sampling Theory

Concept of population and sample; Parameter and statistic, Sampling and non-sampling errors; Probability and nonprobability sampling techniques (simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience sampling, and quota sampling); Sampling distribution (statement only); Sample size decisions

Statistical Inference

Point estimation and interval estimation, properties of a good estimator, Methods of estimation (Moments method, Maximum likelihood method, Least squares method), Testing of hypothesis, Basic concept of testing, Small sample and large sample tests, Tests based on Z, t, Chi-square and F statistic, Confidence intervals

Analysis of Variance

Analysis of one-way classified data and two-way classified data

Index Numbers

Meaning of Index Numbers, Problems in the construction of index numbers, Types of an index number, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers, Cost of living Index Numbers, Uses of Index Numbers

SSC CGL Syllabus Tier 2 General Studies, Finance, and Economics

Those who have applied for Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post must know the SSC CGL Finance syllabus 2023. Tabulated below is the detailed syllabus for General Studies, Finance, and Economics.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus Paper 3




Part A: Finance and Accounts-(80 marks)

Financial Accounting

Nature and scope

Limitations of Financial Accounting

Basic concepts and Conventions

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Basic concepts of accounting

Single and double entry

Books of Original Entry

Bank Reconciliation

Journal, ledgers

Trial Balance

Rectification of Errors



Profit & Loss Appropriation Accounts

Balance Sheet

Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure

Depreciation Accounting

Valuation of Inventories

Non-profit organisations Accounts

Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts

Bills of Exchange

Self Balancing Ledgers

Part B: Economics and Governance-(120 marks)

Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role and responsibility

Finance Commission-Role and functions

Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics


Scope and nature of Economics

Methods of economic study

Central problems of an economy

Production possibilities curve

Theory of Demand and Supply

Meaning and determinants of demand

Law of demand and Elasticity of demand


Income and cross elasticity

Theory of consumer‟s behaviour

Marshallian approach and Indifference curve approach

Meaning and determinants of supply

Law of supply

The elasticity of Supply

Theory of Production and cost

Meaning and Factors of production

Laws of production- Law of variable proportions and Laws of returns to scale.

Forms of Market and price determination in different markets

Various forms of markets-Perfect Competition


Monopolistic Competition


Price determination in these markets.

Indian Economy

Nature of the Indian Economy Role of different sectors, Role of Agriculture, Industry and Services-their problems and growth.

National Income of India-Concepts of national income, Different methods of measuring national income.

Population-Its size, rate of growth and its implication on economic growth.

Poverty and unemployment- Absolute and relative poverty, types, causes and incidence of unemployment.

Infrastructure-Energy, Transportation, Communication.

Economic Reforms in India

Economic reforms since 1991





Money and Banking

Monetary/ Fiscal policy- Role and functions of Reserve Bank of India; functions of commercial Banks/RRB/Payment Banks.

Budget and Fiscal deficits and Balance of payments.

Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.

Role of Information Technology in Governance

Subject-wise Weightage of SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus

As per the revised SSC CGL exam pattern, the Tier 2 exam comprises 3 stages- Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3. While Paper 1 is compulsory for all posts, Paper 2 is mandatory for the candidates who have applied for the Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) post and Paper 3 for candidates who’ve applied for the Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus Weightage







Time Duration

Paper 1

Section 1


Reasoning and General Intelligence




1 hour for each section

English Language and Comprehension

General Awareness




Computer Knowledge Module



15 Minutes for each module

Section 2

Data Entry Speed Test Module

One Data

Entry Task


Paper 2




2 hours

Paper 3

General Studies (Finance and Economics)



2 hours

SSC CGL Syllabus in Hindi

SSC संयुक्त स्नातक स्तरीय परीक्षा का दूसरा चरण है। एसएससी सीजीएल 2023 के लिए 24 लाख से अधिक उम्मीदवारों ने आवेदन किया था और लगभग 81,752 उम्मीदवारों ने टियर 2 परीक्षा के लिए अर्हता प्राप्त की है। अच्छा प्रदर्शन करने के लिए, SSC CGL Syllabus in Hindi से परिचित होना महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह चयन प्रक्रिया का अंतिम चरण है।

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