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The schedule for Tier-II of the examination will be released soon on the SSC’s official website.Candidates are advised to regularly check the website for updates on the Tier-II examination.
The SSC has reviewed and adjusted the answer keys for the Tier-I examination based on representations received from candidates. Final answer keys were used for evaluating the results. The marks and final answer keys for both qualified and non-qualified candidates will be uploaded to the SSC’s website shortly.
The cut-off marks for Tier-I have been determined using normalized scores. The minimum qualifying marks are as follows:
• Unreserved (UR): 30%
• Other Backward Classes (OBC) / Economically Weaker Sections (EWS): 25%
• All Other Categories: 20%
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Category-wise cut-offs and the number of candidates shortlisted for Tier-II are detailed below:
For Lower Division Clerk (LDC) / Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)
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Additionally, candidates from various categories qualifying at the Unreserved cut-off are included in the above totals.
For Data Entry Operator (DEO) / DEO Grade ‘A’
Additional candidates qualifying at the Unreserved cut-off include those from SC, ST, OBC, EWS, ESM, and OH categories.
Results for 23 candidates are currently withheld due to various reasons, while the results of 7 candidates have not been processed due to debarment from SSC examinations or cancellation of candidature.
For further details, candidates should keep an eye on the SSC official website for updates.
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Sanjay Sharma
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