SSC CPO 2023 Eligibility Criteria: Sub Inspector Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Physical Standards

Jagran Josh

SSC CPO SI Eligibility Criteria 2023: Check the eligibility criteria including the age limit, educational qualification, and physical standards needed to be fulfilled before applying for SSC CPO 2023 Sub-Inspector recruitment.

SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023: The Staff Selection Commission will release the SSC CPO 2023 recruitment notification on the official website – Candidates must fulfill all the SSC CPO eligibility criteria requirements before applying for Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) post. All graduate aspirants who are 20 years or above are considered to be eligible for the post. SSC will hold an Open Competitive Computer Based Examination for Recruitment of Sub-Inspector (SI) in Delhi Police, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs). The details of various posts are as under:

SSC CPO Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and CAPFs 2023 Recruitment


Name of Posts

Pay Scale


Sub-Inspector (Ground Duty)

classified as Group “B” (Non-Gazetted), Non-Ministerial

Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)

Delhi Police

Sub-Inspector (Executive) – (Male/ Female)

classified as Group “C” (Non-Gazetted) by Delhi Police

Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)

Below are important dates for SSC CPO SI Delhi Police and CAPFs 2023 recruitment:

Important Dates for SSC CPO-SI Delhi Police, CAPFs 2023 Exam

Dates for submission of online applications

July 20 to August 13, 2023

Last date for receipt of application

August 13, 2023

Last date for making online fee payment

August 13, 2023

Last date for generation and payment of offline Challan

Offline Challan Registration for Upcoming SSC Exams 2023 Discontinued

Date of Computer-Based Examination (Paper-1)

October 3 to 6, 2023

Date of PET & PST

To be notified later

Date of Paper-2 

To be notified later

In this article, we have shared complete details on the SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023, including age limit, educational qualifications, physical standards, and nationality:

Download SSC CPO Delhi Police/CAPF SI 2023 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Overview

The SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria comprises various parameters, i.e., age limit, educational qualification, nationality, physical standard requirements, and so on. Check the detailed overview of the SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023 discussed below:

SSC CPO Eligibility 2023 Overview

Minimum Age

20 years

Age Relaxation

Varies as per category

Educational Qualification




Number of Attempts

No Information Given

Previous Experience

Not Required

Check SSC CPO Delhi Police/CAPF SI 2023 Salary, Job Profile & Promotion

SSC CPO Age Limit 2023

Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the SSC CPO age limit criteria before applying for the post.  The age of candidates must be between 20-25 years as of the prescribed date to be eligible for SSC CPO posts. There shall be permissible relaxation on the upper age limit of the candidates belonging to the reserved categories as tabulated below.


Upper Age-Relaxation beyond the age limit as prescribed


5 years


3 years

Ex-servicemen (ExS)

3 years

For the post of SI in the Delhi Police

Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried

Up to 35 years of age

Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried. (SC/ST)

Up to 40 years of age

For Departmental candidates of Delhi Police against the vacancies of Delhi Police only

Departmental candidates (Unreserved) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on the closing date

Up to 30 years of age

Departmental candidates (OBC) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on the closing date.

Up to 33 years of age

Departmental candidates (SC/ST) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on the closing date.

Up to 35 years of age

Note: The date of Birth submitted by the aspirants in the online application form and the same mentioned in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate will be accepted by the Commission as proof of age.

SSC CPO Educational Qualification 2023

Aspirants must fulfill the SSC CPO educational qualification before applying for the recruitment process. They must enter the correct details about their qualifications before filling out the online application form. The SSC CPO education qualification is shared below:

  • Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent
  • Candidates who have not yet received but will obtain the educational qualification and produce documentary evidence from the Board/University in support thereof, as on the prescribed date, will also be eligible.

Is the Sub-Inspector job suitable for Females?

SSC CPO Nationality 2023

Along with the SSC CPO age limit, qualification, and other eligibility parameters, aspirants must fulfill the nationality criteria before applying for the post. A candidate must be either:

  • A citizen of India, or 
  • A subject of Nepal, or
  • A subject of Bhutan

Note: Aspirants in whose case a certificate of eligibility is applicable will be eligible to appear in the examination but the offer of appointment will be provided only after the required eligibility certificate has been issued by the Government of India. 

SSC CPO Reservation Criteria 2023

  • Reservations for Scheduled Castes (SC)/Scheduled Tribes (ST)/Other Backward Classes (OBC)/Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)/ Ex-servicemen (ESM), etc. are informed by the Indenting/User Ministries/Departments/Offices, as per extant Government Orders.
  • Reservation is available for Ex-Servicemen and special categories of Ex-Servicemen for the post of Sub-Inspector (Exe.) in Delhi Police-Male, as prescribed in the official notification.
  • Out of the quota provided for Ex-Servicemen, 50% of such quota will be reserved for various categories of Ex-Servicemen.

SSC CPO Physical Standards 2023

Aspirants applying for the SSC CPO post must fulfill the physical standard requirements prescribed in the official notification to be eligible for the post. The category-wise SSC CPO physical standard requirements for male and female candidates are shared below.


Height (in cms)

Chest (in cms)



Male Candidates




Candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions, North-Eastern States and Sikkim




All candidates belonging to ST Category




Female Candidates


Female candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions, NorthEastern States and Sikkim


All the female candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe



SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Miscellaneous

  • The minimum near vision must be N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye).  The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 (better eye) and 6/9 (worse eye) of both eyes without any correction like wearing glasses or surgery of any sort to improve visual acuity. In a right-handed person, the right eye is the better eye, and vice versa.
  • Aspirants should not have knock knees, flat foot, varicose veins, or squint in their eyes, and they must have high color vision.
  • Aspirants must have sound mental and physical health and be free from any physical defect likely to interrupt the discharge of their duties.
  • As per SSC CPO eligibility criteria, tattoos will be permitted only in the following cases.
  • Tattoos representing religious symbols or figures and the name, as defined in Indian Army, are allowed.
  • Tattoos must be on the traditional sites of the body, such as the inner aspect of the forearm, but only the left forearm, being non-saluting limbs or dorsum of the hands, shall be permitted.
  • Size must not be more than ¼ of the specific part (elbow or hand) of the body.

SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Other Requirements For the post of SubInspector in Delhi Police only

Male candidates must possess a valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) on the date fixed for Physical Endurance and Measurement Tests. However, the candidates who do not have a Valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) are eligible for all other posts in CAPFs.

SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Required Documents

Candidates must only enter valid and correct data/details in the SSC CPO application form. Furthermore, they will be asked to submit copies of various documents supporting their eligibility claims for verification. The list of documents is given below.

  • Matriculation/ Secondary Certificate.
  • Educational Qualification Certificate.
  • Caste/ Category Certificate, if belongs to reserved categories.
  • Driving License for Motor Cycle and Car (issued before the date of PET/ PST) for the aspirants who have given preference for Delhi Police (applicable for male candidates only).
  • Relevant Certificate if seeking any age relaxation
  • No Objection Certificate, if applicable 
  • Other Relevant Documents

Candidates are advised to enter only the correct details in the SSC CPO application form to avoid rejection of their candidature at any stage of the recruitment process.

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By bpci

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