SSC GD Constable 2022 Exam Update: Vacancies Increased, Check Details

Jagran Josh

SSC GD Constable 2022 Exam: Staff Selection released an important notice regarding GD Constable Posts. Check Details Below. 

 SSC GD Constable 2022

SSC GD Constable 2022

SSC GD Constable 2022 Notice Released: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released an important notice regarding the recruitment of GD Constable Posts. The notice explains the increased number of vacancies as reported by MHA. Now, the vacancies can be read as 45284. Out of the total, 45109 are vacancies under BSF (Border Security Force), CISF (Central Industrial Security Force), SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal), ITBP (Indo Tibetan Border Police), AR (Assam Rifleman) and SSF (Secretariat Security Force). Earlier, there were 24369 vacancies were notified.

The candidates can check the details of the added vacancies below:

SSC GD Constable Male Vacnacies

Force General EWS OBC ST SC
BSF 7387 1758 3917 1812 2776
CISF 2264 538 1200 510 811
CRPF 4644 1095 2472 678 1700
SSB 841 140 449 154 340
ITBP 722 112 305 176 204
AR 1331 316 570 581 355
SSF 59 9 14 3 31
17248 3968 8927 3914 6217

SSC GD Constable Female Vacancies

Force General EWS OBC ST SC
BSF 1305 313 688 323 486
CISF 266 60 127 49 89
CRPF 262 53 125 53 87
SSB 107 0 69 6 61
ITBP 158 7 49 23 31
AR 0 0 0 0 0
SSF 19 2 5 1 11
4835 435 1063 455 765

SSC GD Constable NCB Vacancies

Category Vacancies
UR 73
EWS 23
OBC 40
SC 12
ST 27

The commission has scheduled the computer-based exam for the said posts in January 2023. The candidates can check the details regarding the exam dates in the link below:

SSC GD Constable Exam Date

The application process regarding the recruitment of GD Constable in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles and for the post of Sepoy in NCB is ongoing. The last date of the application is 30 November 2022. You can apply through the provided link.

SSC GD Constable Application Link


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#SSC #Constable #Exam #Update #Vacancies #Increased #Check #Details

By bpci

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