SSC JE Eligibility 2023: Check Age Limit, Educational Qualification for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Branch

Jagran Josh

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023: The Staff Selection Commission has released the SSC Junior Engineer (JE) eligibility through the official notification. Check the age limit and educational qualification for civil, mechanical, and electrical Junior Engineer 1324 Vacancies.

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023: The Staff Selection Commission has released the SSC JE eligibility criteria through the official notification on its website – Candidates must meet all the SSC JE eligibility criteria requirements before applying for Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical) posts. Only eligible candidates can apply online for 1324 vacancies from July 26  to August 16, 2023. Below are the Important Dates of the SSC JE 2023 Recruitment:

SSC JE 2023 Important Dates



Dates for submission of online applications

July 26 to August 16, 2023

Last day to apply and make online fee payment

August 16, 2023 (11 pm)

Last date for generation and payment of offline Challan

Offline Challan Registration for Upcoming SSC Exams 2023 Discontinued

Date of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’  and online payment of Correction Charges

August 17 to 18, 2023

SSC Tier-I Admit Card 2023

September 2023

SSC JE Tier 1 Exam Date 2023

October 9 to 11, 2023

The SSC JE eligibility criteria comprise various components, i.e., age limit, educational qualification, nationality, experience, and so on. In this article, we have shared detailed information about the SSC JE 2023 eligibility criteria for the civil, mechanical, and electrical branches.

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023 Overview

Candidates are required to submit only genuine details in the SSC Junior Engineer application form to avoid rejection of their candidature at any recruitment stage. Candidates who possess a degree/diploma in the Civil, Mechanical & Electrical engineering field with a maximum age limit of 30 years are considered eligible for the post. Check the detailed overview of the SSC JE eligibility criteria 2023 as shared in the table given below:

SSC JE Eligibility 2023 Overview

Maximum SSC JE Age Limit

30 years, 32 years

Age Relaxation

Varies as per category

Educational Qualification

Degree/diploma in the Civil, Mechanical & Electrical engineering field



Number of Attempts

No Information Given

SSC JE Age Limit 2023

Candidates must fulfill the SSC JE age limit criteria before completing the application form. The crucial date for determining the age limit is fixed as August 1, 2023. The requirement of Age for the Posts is as follows:

For the posts for which the age limit is upto 30 years Candidate must have been born not earlier than
August 2, 1993, and not later than August 1, 2005.
For the posts for which the age limit is upto 32 years Candidate must have been born not earlier than
August 2, 1991, and not later than August 1, 2005.

Check the post-wise SSC Junior Engineer age limit tabulated below:

Organisation Name

Post Name


Central Water Commission

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Upto 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Upto 30 years

Central Public Works

Department (CPWD)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Upto 32 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Upto 32 years

Border Roads

Organization (BRO)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical)

Up to 30 years

Military Engineer

Services (MES)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Upto 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical and


Upto 30 years

Farrakka Barrage Project (FBP)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Upto 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical/ Mechanical)

Upto 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Upto 30 years

Department of Water Resources,

River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (Brahmaputra Board)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Upto 30 years

National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Upto 30 years

Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 30 years

Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works)

Junior Engineer (Civil)

Up to 30 years

Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Up to 30 years

SSC JE Upper Age Limit Relaxation 2023

There shall be a relaxation on the upper age limit of the reserved category candidates as per SSC JE eligibility criteria. The category-wise SSC JE age limit relaxation is shared below:



Age relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit



5 years



3 years


PwD (Unreserved)

10 years



13 years



15 years


Ex-Servicemen (ESM)

3 years after the deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age.


Defence Personnel is disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof.

3 years


Defence Personnel is disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ST).

8 years

Note: The date of birth submitted by the candidate in the online application form and the same mentioned in the matriculation/secondary examination certificate will be accepted by the commission to calculate the age.

SSC JE Educational Qualification 2023

Aspirants must satisfy the SSC JE educational qualification before applying for the post. They must enter correct and genuine details about their qualifications in the application form. The post-wise SSC JE education qualification is shared below.



Essential SSC JE Educational Qualifications

Border Roads Organization (BRO)

JE (C)

Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institute; or

(a) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institute/Board; and

(b) Two years of working experience in Planning/ Execution/Maintenance of Civil Engineering works.

JE (E & M)

Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute;


(a) Three years Diplomas in Electrical/Automobile/Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute/ Board;


(b) Two years experience in Planning/Execution/ Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering works.

Central Water Commission

JE (C)

Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.

JE (M)

Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution

Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (Brahmaputra


JE (C)

Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.

Farakka Barrage Project (FBP)

JE (C)

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board.

JE (M)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board.

Military Engineer Services (MES)

JE (C)

Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University; or


(a) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute or University or Board; and

(b) Two years’ experience in Planning, Execution, and Maintenance of Civil Engineering works.

JE (E & M)

Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University;


(a) Three years diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute or University or Board; and

(b) Two years experience in Planning, Execution, and Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering Works

Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep

Harbour Works)

JE (C)

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institution.

JE (M)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institution.

National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)


Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.

JE (E)

Diploma in Electrical Engineering recognized University/Institution.

JE (M)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.

Central Public Works Department (CPWD)

JE (C)

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute.

JE (E)

Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or


Note: Only male candidates are eligible for the Junior Engineer(s) post in the Border Roads Organization (BRO).

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023: Nationality

Candidates must fulfill the nationality criteria before applying for the post along with the SSC JE age limit, qualification, and other eligibility factors. A candidate must be either:

(a) a citizen of India, or 

(b) a subject of Nepal, or 

(c) a subject of Bhutan, or 

(d) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam intending to settle in India permanently. 

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), and (d) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been provided by the Government of India.

SSC JE Physical Standard 2023: For Junior Engineers in Border Roads Organization (BRO)

The Physical Efficiency Tests will be conducted at GREF Centre or respective recruitment centre as applicable, by a Board of Officers, detailed by the Headquarters, Director General Border Roads.

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023 for PWD Candidates

The Permissible disabilities for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) candidates are:

Name of Post

Functional Requirement

Suitable Category of Benchmark Disability

Junior Engineer (Civil)

S, ST, W, BN, L, KC, MF, RW, SE, H, C

a) D, HH

b) OA, OL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV, SD (Spinal

Deformity) & SI (Spinal Injury) without neurological/ limb dysfunction.

c) SLD, MI

d) MD involving (a) to (c) above

Junior Engineer (Electrical/ Mechanical)

S, ST, BN, L, KC, MF, RW, SE, H,C

a) D, HH

b) OA, OL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV, SD (Spinal

Deformity) & SI (Spinal Injury) without

neurological/limb dysfunction.

c) SLD, MI,

d) MD involving (a) to (c) above

Abbreviation used:

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT: S=Sitting, ST=Standing, W=Walking, BN=Bending, L=Lifting, KC=Kneeling & Crouching, MF=Manipulation with Fingers, RW=Reading & Writing, SE=Seeing, H=Hearing, C=Communication.

NATURE OF PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: D=Deaf, HH= Hard of Hearing, OA=One Arm, OL=One Leg, CP=Cerebral Palsy, LC=Leprosy Cured, Dw=Dwarfism, AAV=Acid Attack Victims, SLD= Specific Learning Disability, MI= Mental Illness, MD=Multiple Disabilities.


  • The facility of scribe will also be provided to PwD candidates having a disability of less than 40% and having difficulty in writing. The facility of scribes/ passage readers will be given to the PwBD/PwD candidates only if he/she has preferred the same in the online application form.
  • Except for the Border Roads Organization (BRO), the post of JuniorEngineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical) included in this notice of examination has been identified as suitable for PwD candidates.

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023: Number of Attempts

The Staff Selection Commission has mentioned no restrictions on the number of attempts to appear in the SSC JE recruitment process. Aspirants are considered eligible for the post till they are not exceeding the SSC JE age limit and other eligibility criteria.

SSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2023: Required Documents

Candidates must only enter correct and genuine details in the SSC JE application form. In addition, they will be asked to submit copies of various certificates/documents regarding their eligibility for verification purposes. Check the list of documents required for verification below.

  • Matriculation/Secondary Certificate. 
  • Educational Qualification Certificate. 
  • Experience Certificate, if applicable. 
  • Caste/ Category Certificate, if belongs to reserved categories. 
  • Persons with Disabilities Certificate in the required format, if applicable.
  • Relevant Certificate if seeking any age relaxation. 
  • No Objection Certificate.
  • Other relevant documents

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By bpci

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