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SSC MTS & Havaldar Recruitment 2024 is being conducted to fill a total of 9,583 vacancies.
The SSC MTS and Havaldar exams are all set to take place between September 30 and November 14.
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the release of admit cards for the Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) (MTS) and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) exams. Candidates who have registered for the written examination can now check their status and download their hall tickets by visiting their respective regional websites, including The SSC MTS Admit Cards 2023 are available for several regions, including the Kerala Karnataka Region (KKR), Southern Region (SR), Western Region (WR), Eastern Region (ER) and Madhya Pradesh Region (MPR).
Previously, the commission issued admit cards for the North Eastern Region (NER), North Western Region (NWR) and Central Region (CR). Additionally, admit cards for the Southern Region, Kerala Karnataka Region (KKR), and Northern Region are still pending release.
SSC MTS Exam 2024: Step-by-Step Guide to Download Hall Ticket
Step 1: Visit the official regional website of the SSC (For example visit – for North Western Region Chandigarh)
Step 2: Look for the link titled “STATUS / DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD FOR MULTI-TASKING (NON-TECHNICAL) STAFF AND HAVALDAR (CBIC & CBN) EXAMINATION, 2024, TO BE HELD FROM 30/09/2024 TO 14/11/2024” and click on it.
Step 3: Enter the required details, including your registered ID or roll number and date of birth, in the specified fields.
Step 4: Click the submit button.
Step 5: Your SSC MTS Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Review all the details carefully and print a copy to bring with you on exam day.
SSC MTS 2024 Exam Date
The SSC MTS and Havaldar exams are all set to take place between September 30 and November 14. This recruitment exam is conducted to fill a total of 9,583 vacancies (6,144 for MTS and 3,439 for Havaldar) in the department. The computer-based examination (CBE) worth 270 marks will be divided into two sessions, Sessions 1 and 2, which will take place on the same exam day. Session 1 encompasses Numerical and Mathematical Ability, Reasoning Ability, and Problem-Solving subjects, Session 2, on the other hand, will contain questions related to General Awareness and English Language and Comprehension.
The duration of each session will be 45 minutes. The questions will be objective-type with multiple choices in all the papers. There will be Aspirants should note that there will be no negative marking in session 1, whereas there is a negative marking (-1) for incorrect answers in the second session.
There are over 13 regional languages in this examination, including Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Assamese, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia (Oriya), Punjabi, Manipuri (Metei or Meithei), Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
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