Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
As per the official notification, the candidature of the shortlisted candidates is provisional in nature. The User Departments will check the eligibility of the selected candidates thoroughly in all respects before releasing an offer letter to the candidates.
In order to check the results online, candidates can follow the step-by-step guide given below. PDF is also provided below to check the results.
How to download SSC MTS Final Result 2021?
Step 1: Visit the official website of SSC –
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the result link.
Step 3: A new PDF file for SSC MTS 2021 Final Result will open.
Step 4: Check the result and download the PDF.
Step 5: Get a printout of the same for further use.
SSC MTS Final Result 2021: MTS
SSC MTS Final Result 2021: Havaldar
As per the official notice, the detailed marks obtained by the selected and non-selected candidates will be uploaded on the official website of the commission on April 06, 2023. Candidates will be able to download their individual marks till April 20, 2023, from the website.
The result of 7368 candidates (excluding 126 withheld) is available on the website of the Commission. For more details, candidates can go to the official website of SSC or check out the notification released.
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Ravi Shankar
#SSC #MTS #Final #Result #announced #download #Times #India