SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis 2023: Grade C and D Review, Good Attempts and Level

Jagran Josh

SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis 2023: As shift 1 of SSC Stenographer 12 October 2023 is about to get over, it’s time to do the detailed exam analysis. Here, we have provided the detailed section-wise SSC Stenographer analysis for all shifts including difficulty level & good attempts for the exam conducted on 12 October 2023.

Check the SSC Stenographer Grade C and D Paper Review, good attempts, and level here

Check the SSC Stenographer Grade C and D Paper Review, good attempts, and level here

The Staff Selection Commission is currently conducting the SSC Stenographer 2023 exam from 12 to 13 October 2023. The exam will be held in three shifts to select eligible candidates for Stenographer Grade C and D posts. Candidates who appeared for the exam or planning to appear for it can check the detailed SSC Stenographer exam analysis to get valuable insights and feedback. In this article, we have mentioned section-wise SSC Stenographer today analysis along with good attempts and difficulty level for all shifts.

SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis 2023

SSC Stenographer exam is concluded for the first shift. As per the reviews shared the aspirants, we have mentioned the section-wise analysis, difficulty level and good attempts. It will help candidates get an idea about the types of questions asked in the examination. Here is the complete SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis 12 October 2023.

Career Counseling

SSC Stenographer Good Attempts

Good attempts depict how many questions candidates were able to answer correctly. Check out the section-wise SSC Stenographer Good attempts in the table below as per the feedback received by the aspirants.


SSC Stenographer Good Attempts (Shift 1)

English Language

General Intelligence or Reasoning

General Awareness


SSC Stenographer Analysis 2023 Difficulty Level

Difficulty level and the number of good attempts are inversely proportional to each other. If the difficulty level is high as per the SSC Stenographer exam analysis, the number of good attempts will be less. In simpler terms, if candidates find exams difficult then they will be able to answer fewer questions and vice versa. Check out the SSC Stenographer Difficulty Level for all sections below.


SSC Stenographer Difficulty Level 2023 (Shift 1)

English Language

General Intelligence or Reasoning

General Awareness


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SSC Stenographer Analysis 12 October 2023: English

The maximum number of questions are asked from the English section, which means it holds a 50% weightage of marks. Candidates must attempt this section very carefully, as 100 questions will be asked from this section.


Number of Questions (Shift 1)

Reading Comprehension

Synonyms and Antonyms

Idiom & Phrases

Para jumbles

Error Spotting

Sentence Improvement

Active Passive Voice

Direct/ Indirect Speech

Fill in the Blanks

One Word Substitution

Correct Spelling (Misspelt)

Cloze Test

SSC Steno Paper Analysis 2023 Reasoning

Here is the detailed analysis of the General Intelligence & Reasoning section. A total of 50 questions are asked from this section.


Number of Questions (Shift 1)

Papercutting & folding

Counting figures




Arithmetic Reasoning

Number and word Series


Coding decoding

Distance direction test

Mirror Image

Logical Venn diagram/ syllogism

Figure series

Number set

Mathematical operators

Arrangement of word

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SSC JE Expected Cut off

SSC CPO Expected Cut Off

SSC Stenographer Today Analysis 2023 General Awareness

Here is an in-depth analysis of the General Awareness section in the SSC Stenographer exam. This section consists of 50 questions, and candidates often consider it to be less time-consuming and scoring.

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By bpci

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