SVPUAT recruitment 2023: Apply for 54 vacancies of Assistant Professors at

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Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut has invited applications for 54 vacancies of Assistant Professors. The application process is underway and the deadline for the submission of the application form is October 18. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website at

SVPUAT Meerut Recruitment: 54 Assistant Professor Vacancies, Apply by Oct 18(Shutterstock/ Representative photo)

SVPUAT recruitment vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 54 vacancies for Assistant Professor.

SVPUAT recruitment application fee: Candidates have to pay 1500 as an application fee. The application fee is 750 for SC/ST and PWD candidates.

SVPUAT recruitment: Know how to apply

Visit the official website of SVPUAT at

On the homepage, click on the “Advertisement No. IV/2023”

Next, click on the Registration link

Fill out the application fee

Upload all the required documents

Submit and take the printout for future reference.

After the submission of the online application form, candidates have to submit the hard copy of the application form to the following address:

To the director, Administration & Monitoring, SVP University of Agriculture & Technology Meerut- 250110 U.P.

The printout of the application form along with all the necessary documents should reach the following address by November 2.

Candidates can check the detailed schedule here.

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#SVPUAT #recruitment #Apply #vacancies #Assistant #Professors

By bpci

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