What’s A Personal Brand And Why Do You Need One?
Work It Daily A career resolution is exactly what it sounds like: a resolution for your career intended to help you grow into a better professional. At Work It DAILY,…
Building Career. Changing Lives.
Work It Daily A career resolution is exactly what it sounds like: a resolution for your career intended to help you grow into a better professional. At Work It DAILY,…
Ms. Career Girl As I was applying for summer internships this past spring, I had a lot of difficulty determining what to include on my resume. My first thought? Everything!…
Work It Daily If you want to stand out from other job candidates, both your resume and LinkedIn profile need to have specific, tangible, quantifiable achievements. We see so many…
Work It Daily You’ve certainly heard that using a powerful personal brand message will make your executive resume a compelling read—and help you gain traction in your job search. But…
Work It Daily The job interview—this is where it all really begins! While your resume may have impressed the hiring manager and helped you get your foot in the door,…
Work It Daily Social media, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and many more technological advancements are rapidly changing the world as we know it, and how we interact with it. While…
Work It Daily In a world where life’s challenges seem to test us at every turn, I embarked on a transformative journey over five years ago—a journey that has led…
Work It Daily If you’re an executive at a large organization or previously served in such a position, you likely have experience working in large groups or teams. When working…
Work It Daily Recruiters are lurking in the depths of your social media profiles. Are they seeing what you want them to see? It’s no secret that recruiters are looking…
Work It Daily Your resume and LinkedIn profile are incredibly important to your job search. They not only speak to your past accomplishments but also act as a predictor of…