Taking Command of a Room: 6 Tips to Use Even if You’re Not the Boss . . . Yet

Ms. Career Girl

Taking command of a room is a powerful skill to learn and cultivate, even if you’re not in a position of formal authority… yet. Doing so requires confidence, effective communication, strong interpersonal skills, and belief in yourself. The key is to connect your value and unique abilities with the message and ideas you want to share. That will help ground and guide you to take charge professionally and social in situations.

Here are 5 tips for taking command of a room and establishing a powerful presence:

Project confidence:

Confidence is vital when taking command of a room. The best way to access this is to think of someone you know and/or admire who exudes confidence. How do they show that? What do you notice about the way they act and speak? If you could embody that person, how would you feel? Practice adopting that behavior while telling yourself you are worthy of expressing your thoughts and ideas. Remind yourself that you have something significant to share that will be of use to others. Your belief in yourself combined with this service mindset will help change your demeanor, alleviate doubt, and naturally draw attention and respect from those around you. 

Be prepared:

Knowledge is power. Make sure you’re prepared before entering a room. Familiarize yourself with the topic or agenda at hand so you can contribute meaningfully to the conversation. Being knowledgeable and well-informed will give you the confidence to engage with others and make valuable contributions to discussions.

Demonstrate active listening:

Stay present and give your undivided attention to what people are saying when they are speaking. Put away distractions and maintain eye contact to show the person speaking they are valued and heard. When it’s your turn to speak, reflect back the points others have made, ask clarifying questions, and build upon their ideas. This inclusive approach fosters cooperation and respect and increases your influence in the room.

Speak with clarity and conviction:

When you speak, do so clearly and with a strong, steady voice. Avoid mumbling or speaking too softly. Express your ideas confidently and use a firm and assertive tone. Do your best to avoid saying, “Um,” “Uh,” and “Like.” This diminishes your stance and efficacy. People are more likely to listen and respond to someone who speaks with certainty and passion.

Develop a confident and assertive body language:

Stand tall, make eye contact, and project confidence through your posture and gestures. Maintain an open stance, use purposeful movements, and avoid fidgeting or slouching. Confident body language can communicate authority and draw attention.

Foster positive relationships:

Building strong relationships with those around you is fundamental to gaining influence in a room. Be friendly, approachable, authentic, and kind to others. Find common ground, engage in meaningful conversations, offer assistance when needed, and show empathy. People are more likely to listen to and support someone they trust and feel comfortable with.

Taking command of a room is not about exerting control or dominating others. It’s about contributing your value for the benefit of the whole. When you understand that what you have to offer is important and will be of service, you will more easily tap into your confidence and establish yourself as a knowledgeable and influential presence who can effectively communicate your ideas and positively impact others. This is your gift to give.

The choice to do so is yours. 

This guest post was authored by Stef Ziev

Stef Ziev is a former TV executive turned certified life and executive coach and author of the book, The Choice Is Yours: A Simple Approach to Live and Lead with more Joy, Ease and Purpose. (April 12, 2023)


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