Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
The Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET 2023) exams were conducted by Anna University on March 25 and 26, 2023. After the exam, TANCET 2023 answer keys will be released soon on the official website.
TANCET/CEETA-PG was conducted for 39,249 candidates at 40 examination centres in 15 cities all over Tamil Nadu.
This year a total of 24468 candidates registered for the TANCET – MCA examination of which 1715 were absent. A total of 9820 candidates appeared for the TANCET – MBA examination of which 541 candidates were absent.
CEETA-PG ME/MTech/MArch/MPlan was conducted on March 26. The examination was conducted for 4961 candidates of which 611 candidates were absent.
Overall a total of 39,249 candidates have registered for the TANCET 2023 examination of which 2867(7.30%) candidates were absent.
Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET-2023) is conducted for admission to M.B.A & M.C.A and COMMON ENGINEERING ENTRANCE TEST AND ADMISSION (CEETA-PG-2023) for admission to M.E./ M.Tech./ M.Arch./ M.Plan. Degree Programmes.
#TANCET #exam #concludes #candidates #absent