- Describe a time when you have set objectives and correlating incentives for a member of your team
what were you trying to achieve in doing this, what were the objectives? How did you choose the incentives? How did you go about implementing this?
Please share your answers.
- Describe an occasion when you have tailored your communication style to deal with a particular situation within your team
Why was it necessary? What was the other persons role? What did you need to take into consideration? How did you tailor your approach? what was the outcome?
Please share your answers.
- How important is leadership and communication skill plays part in a team leader role?
A team lead role can be defined as follows…A person with good communication and interpersonal skills. The main responsibility of a team lead is to co-ordinate the team members during the life cycle of various projects. Communication skill is important because a team can consists of a number of individuals with various ideas and skills. In order to drive them to a common goal, the leader should be able to communicate with the team as well the higher management.
A good team lead is naturally a good communicator and a good communicator can be a good team lead. If he is not able to communicate the achievements of his teams to the management, then the team starts disintegrate. At the same time, if he fails to communicate the management visions to his subordinates, there could be problems due to unawareness. He should effectively communicate to stake holders and mangers about the possible problems which can be or faced by the team such as work-load etc. So effective communication skills makes him a good negotiator as well and hence he would be able to get the trust of the team members
- What will you do if your team members do not like you?
Not everyone has a same perspective. If a team lead is new to the orginization, he is definately treated with respect. However if a person from same orginization is been promoted, his nature of work, his overall attitiude is already know. To gauge the above question, I would spend quality time with team members asking questions about their work, and other issues related to office and try and build a approachable attitue within team members.
- Tell me how do I work constructively as a leader of a multi skilled team?
I am able to work constructively as leader if I am able to align my Team’s Goal with that of the company’s and organizations goals. This is done effectively if I could manage the Business front ( By ensuring all SLAs are met and Billing and revenue generating targets are met by regularly monitoring the team performance, identifying the gaps and managing them effectively)
Apart from this as a Leader I have to take care of the people front. By playing as a mentor and a role model also taking care of there personal and professional needs and issues.
- Generally, how would you describe the way you influence others?
To Influence others means you need to convince others with your idea. This idea can be genuine or forced one (which you yourself not agree to, generally posed by management).
In both the cases you need to understand others view, way of thinking, their background ultimately you have to be in their shoe and think how you will going to accept this idea with their school of thought.
- If conflict arises between two people how will solve that. If one person is overlooking into others job how to deal with such type of people?
We need to find out the root cause for conflict. Most of the reasons would be related to both parties’ emotiations like ego, jealous, insecurity, negative compitition etc. After finding out the root-cause, I will discuss with person who had affected with emotions. We need to explain him who to view the sitatuion in that particular situation. I will not hurt his self respect but will try to support him to change attitude during that time. At the same time, for the 2nd person, I will explain him about the sportiveness and make him to understand the opponent mental status and stability. With this – both people will understand the ground reality and will work as a team otherwise – two people will become two groups and common objectives will be effected with these people approaches.
- What are the important responsibilities of Team Leaders?
Prepare reports and maintain records of work accomplishments and
administrative information, as required, and coordinate the preparation,
presentation, and communication of work-related information to the supervisor.
Report to the supervisor periodically on team and individual work
accomplishments, problems, progress in mastering tasks and work processes, and
individual and team training needs.
Intercede with the supervisor on behalf of the team to inform the
supervisor of performance management issues/problems and to recommend/request
related actions, such as assignments, reassignments, promotions, tour of duty
changes, peer reviews, and performance appraisals.
Coach, facilitate, solve work problems, and participate in the work of the
Observe training needs and relay training needs and requests to supervisor
- What challenges did you face stepping into a leadership role?
To know team members temperament and treat them accordingly.
- As a Team Lead how do you deal with the toughest group and get their cooperation?
As a Team Lead my first priority for my group will be to make my team understand what their KPI’s are and how they have to achieve it. Secondly, if they have to grow in organization then they have to work hard to achieve their KPI which is not possible without a team work. And for this their cooperation is required.
- What you will do when you have 4 members team and two person need leave for the marriage purpose?
Of course the situation will be unique.
1) Well this totally depends on the type of process. If you have a team of 4 members and 2 are asking for marriage leave, then first of all look the dates of their
marriage. Because you cannot deny to give them the leaves for the marriage.
2) If you have a team of 4 members then its quite possible that it was being taken into consideration that one or 2 members may ask for the leave, so the team should be able to run with 3 members .
3) Make everyone aware about the scenario and let everyone know that they need leaves for the
marriage. If the marriage dates have slight difference then its good for you.
Then you can actually ask the members also if they can shorten the time-span of the leaves.
4) Moreover if the process is a backend process where you your self are trained, Then I dont think that you should be ashamed of helping others 2, and if needed then can request others to work little longer than the normal hours.
- What are the Leadership Styles a good team leader must follow?
There is no direct answer to this question.
If you think of it then it is a flamboyant style that usually would distinguish a leader from the team. However, at the same time flamboyance has to be complemented with actual knowledge of the technology/issues being addressed by the solution.
A few qualities that can make a good team lead:
1) Due diligence – A cliched term, but makes a lot of sense when one is leading a team of highly qualified technologists. Delving into the details of what each team member is involved in helps in constant monitoring of activities. It is a merry go round but is useful.
2) Reach the next level – communicate what the team is upto and what the achievements of the team have been to the next higher level. Gives visibility to the team as well as the lead
3) Personal outreach – common human beings (which means everyone except superman-m.h.r.i.p and Paris Hilton) are surrounded by pressures which can restrict thought flow at critical junctures. A good team lead can provide a reassuring pat on the back to team members who are under pressure. To do this you have to be able to identify with the team member and be able to give thoughtful advice (DO NOT discuss such issues with anyone – breaks the trust bond).
4) Encourage independent thinking – Reduces a lot of design and implementation problems.
5) Take the team out for a team-building session once in a while. Make sure the team gets “face time” with higher management. Invite higher management of course.
- Why is people management attribute very important for a team lead?
If Team Lead knows the capabilities and deficiencies of his/her team member, then it is easy for him/her to assign the task based on the capabilities. And he can also work on the team members deficiencies to overcome it, so the team member can work efficiently. This is only possible when Lead has good people management skills. If he wants to get his work done then he has to keep the team happy. So, if team is happy they’ll be motivated and work efficiently.
- What you will do if the people in your team doesn’t accept you because they are quiet old in the project?
Firstly, to be recognized you need to prove yourself that you are here for them. So,
– Understand the Team and its dynamics
– Understand Individual pain points
– Bring value by focusing sometime in resolving the pain points.
Eg: The team has been relentlessly working on projects and delivering them on weekly basis irrespective of the criticality. Putting a Requirement Governance would streamline the work, priorities thereby turning weekly delivery to monthly deliverables which reduced the stress.
- If a lead is not happy with the supervisor/manager, is it advisable to talk to his/her supervisor or is there any other option?
If a unhappy lead wish to have word with the manager I feel like there is nothing wrong however he has to follow the hierarchy of management.
The agent has to sit with the immediate sup. And discuss the matter may be a possibility that the sup. will be able to give one of the best solution of his unhappiness. Because most of the time the reason of unhappiness is either the monotonous work or money or something personal.
- How have you demonstrated leadership in your current position?
In my opinion, you don’t need to give a demo at the time of intrview. The best way ofcourse is to bring the intrview panel slowly towards dicussing what problems you faced at the time you were managing at your present Co.
For eg. there might have been a mutiny amongst the team members. How you coped with that severe thing. Tell them how you managed them separately.
- How will the deliverable be measured in terms of time to be spent?
As per my understanding we need Time and Motion study for a particular process, which would provide us with AHT (Average Handling Time) for a particular transaction.
If we have sub-processes than we need to have seprate T&M study with seprate AHT. Then we need average voulme for all sub-processes which would give us avg. volume for entire process (by adding vag. volume of all sub-processes).
So with all these data we can easily calculate the FT required and total time need for deliverables.
- Which was the most embarrassing moment you had with a Client. Any time you have faced a situation with the client where the client was not agreeing with you. How did you react?
One of the way is the buy time. Also ask the client what are the other questions related to the subject.
Analyse the client requirement and think calmly and respond to him with either 1 or 2 options (produce data analysis and supportive documents if necessary). By this way even the client is happy that all his queries are answered in one go.
- One of the team member trying to by-pass the team leader for becoming team leader? How will you handle him?
I think if someone is having a talent to become team lead, then you should be more happy. You can train them or teach them what you can do so and allow him to become team lead. Talent is what matters to the company.
- What is purpose of audits and why the companies go for standards?
To measure the project success.
Every company has a set of standards and its lead / manager role to tracer that those standards are being followed by the team.
- What steps must a team leader take to motivate the team?
These are the few steps you should take to motivate the team
1) Don’t even think of selling the credit of a team member on your name. Give the credit to individual in team and encourage him/her for the same verbally.
2) In case of some bad reputation comes to your team, try to shield the team members from losing their morals, but do not forget to take or suggest preventive steps to let happen same thing again.
3) Start work by self on some of the tasks which are boring though required (like documentation) before asking team members to do the work.
There are lot many tips like this one, but these few will help get hold of the team.
- How do you know your department or your team is performing well?
Performance of a team can be assesed by client satisfaction with the deliverables be it reduction in defects , meeting SLA’s and deadlines. It can also be assessed from monetary point of view if the man hours required to complete a specific task is less compared to estimated , this leads to addition in project revenue .
Other parameters to judge the performance could be willingness of the customer to do more business with the same team , more openings for new resources
- How do you evaluate your team member performance and what are the parameters you are going to take in this scenario?
In this case I would see the following things
1) Output of task assigned to team member
2) Communication skills
3) Self initiative or not
4) Flexibility
5) Technical skills
6) Responsibility
- How to control attrition when you are a team lead?
Attrition is something which software companies have to deal with regularly. If a person has decided to leave, little can be done about it. But a project lead should try to minimise the effect of this on other team members. He should talk to other people in team and find out how they are feeling. Necessary steps should be taken to retain those who are in the team by showing recoginition to work, meetings with those who are showing signs of displease.
- Explain how to lead a team in new functional area, in which your do not have full understanding ? How do you measure the objectives and team members outputs?
Make understand the team members that this is new functionality for the team and arrange KT session for this with the person who were already expertise in this. Then organanise these knowledges as per the process which were already followed by previous experts of this new functionality.
In case if the functionality is entirely new and if our team is the first going to handle this, then with the selected top performing resource and team lead should arrange for the training sessions with the clients and other stack holders and then bring a process and have frequent reviews till this new process being implemented successfully.
- Tell me as a team lead how do you pacify an angry client?
There are two rules to follow when dealing with a client:
1st : Client is always Right
2nd: Even if the client is Wrong, Refer to rule no 1.
Since the client is angry, as a lead accept the mistake (blame) whatever the client has to say. If you start with this… the client is bound to get relaxed after 5/10 minutes of shouting… Then try to explain the game plan to follow from NOW (Please prepare for this as a lead you should be ready for this anytime).
- How does a team lead identify performance problems and solve the same among their team members?
Team lead should be technically sound to under stand the effort required to complete a job. In case he finds any irregularity in the job delivery, or the progress is not in good pace. he should consult first with the job holder to understand the road blocker.
He needs to identify the symptoms and need to find the cure. In case situation can be handled with the help of simple help/guidance, provide him. In case delivery are near, and there is no time to train the member. Let him know the situation that you have to take this step and switch the responsibility with other. Once the situation is over, give him to understand where he lack and motivate him to get expertise.
- How project or team leader differs from Manager with respect to project management?
Ideally the Project Manager’s focus is fully on pure Project Management (Scope of the project, customer interaction and project budget etc.). The team lead is more of a technical position with a touch of project management.
I would say Team Lead is 70% technical and 30% managerial.
When it comes to management, team lead’s responsibilities limited to technically managing his/her team, task allocation, solving show stopper problems, assisting if any of the team members cannot proceed further, mentoring team technically and functionally, conducting status meetings, gap analysis etc..
Team lead also coordinates with project manager on identifying correct resources for projects. Team lead should know who is best in his team to do a certain task.
Team lead also should leverage between quality of code and time lines. If required, team lead needs to spent extra effort on top of regular working hours and need to convince team members to stay back when required. Although working late hours is surely a project management problem, however sometimes it is required!
- In multiple Test Module, what is needed to be done is defect is affecting two separate Test Cases?
Fail both test scripts and link the defect. Ensure further followp
- What are the attributes a team leader must look for while selecting members for their team?
A team member must possess the below qualities.
1. Adherence to Company Policies and Ethics.
2. Zeal to learn.
3. Performance Consistency.
4. How he performs under pressure.
5. Smart worker
- How to convert excel data to SQL data?
- Explain difference between Abstract class and interface in detail with live example?
Abstract class: Have executable methods and abstract methods.
Interface: Will have only abstract methods.
- An executive in the team is absconding for 10 days and did not inform his team leader. He text his leader on 11th day that he is unwell but when TL tried calling him back, he did not respond. After 1 week, he came back to office with a medical certificate. How should the TL handle this situation?
As per me i believe all the companies have a policy of waiting for an employee for no later than days and if is found not in touch should close there file as absconding and in your case if you donot have such rule/policy than you being a TL need to consult manager and make sure that if he/she is just showing fake details than should take action or else if the case was very critical wherein the employee could not even call than based on severity should decide the scenario
- Can you please explain are you self-motivated and a self-starter?
Self-motivation is achieved only through adequate passion. If you don’t have any passion towards what you do, then you would require other motivation factors.
- Hogan Core Banking Testing Interview questions:
- How to create a customer in Hogan System(Which screen, what details etc.)
2. How to create an account in Hogan System(Which screen, what details etc.)
3. How to post a transaction
4. Where to check the address details of a customer(on what screen)
5. In which screen we can see the customers which are related to a certain customer(Except navigating to ACRE screen for each account)
6. How to query the data to get appropriate test data(Where to write the query , with an example) - What are the Core skills needed for Team Lead?
A team lead should have these following quality:
1- A lead should always be calm and compose. No non-sense talk.
2- Diplomatic and benevolent to all the team members. Gain the respect from team members.
3- Always lead from front while tackling a issue raised. No blame-game.
4- Show to the team members that u are always there as a backup.
5- Identify the limitation of the team members and help them in gaining confidence while performing the task.
6- Distribute the task according to their capability.
7- Give team members their time and space but keep them on tap about their responsibility.
8- Be generous on their personal needs. Give them leaves but again check their status.
9- Perform team building activities. Even a team lunch is a great activities. But during such team outing, no talk about work, just chill out.
10 – Nominate your team members for training which usually every organization supports which in turn help them in improve in their career later on.
These are some of the point I keep in mind while leading a team. I may looks a bit liberal but it does work in keeping the team performing.
- Tell me why used simulation in software/developing/Testing and what is difference between and LMS?
Please share your answers.
- What is difference between smoke and sanity testing with example?
When one test the applications all functionality before releasing the build then the testing will be said SMOKING TESTING and usually done by white box test engineer or developers. While after releasing the build whatever the testing engineer test in the application that is called as SANITY TESTING.
- Explain STLC lifecycle?
STLC is nothing but Manual testing process
1.understanding the req
2.preparing the test plan:RTM,ECA,BVA
then Test case Doc
writing the test cases
4. executing the test cases
5. Bug report/Tracking the errors
6.Test closure.
- Explain how must the team leader play the role of learner to benefit a team?
A good learner only could be a good leader. The team leader must attend induction training, seminars arranged by companies in various skills to keep them updated with the current technology. They must learn and induct it their team members which proves them to be a good team leader.
- Tell me how is the effectiveness of a team measured by team lead?
It can be measure by statistics and graphs, what and how team have performed.
Leader effectiveness can be measure by getting the maximum potential from its team,
motivate them and bring out regular improve output.
Make them work freely, create their own ideas, check them if they forget the objective and goals.
Note: A check can be made by high attrition. If its high, there is not satisfaction or employees are under pressure.
- Can you explain a scenario where you go in Win-Win situation or tell scenario where you provide a solution by which client and your team was Happy?
Please share your answers.
- What are the training methodologies a team leader must take to educate a team?
Training plays an very important role in team success, they basically many training methodologies which can implemented, I have some of them discussed here.
1) If the team leader is well versed with the knowledge then it is better to go for a class training.
2) They are possibilities that some of the associate may not understand the class room training in this cases you can go for one on one training.
3) Other is mentoring were you can sit beside the employee and explain everything.
4) The major difference between the mentoring and class room training : in the class the knowledge passed to every one on equal basis keeping that everyone is in same page and each of them is capable of understanding, were as mentoring is after the knowledge is already based then you are particularly training in specific knowledge.
- How to priories the work of your office and staff?
Highest priority should be given to the task, if it is the top level task, meaning that the other tasks in the completion list are dependent on.
Tasks that are core functions of the software, with out which the software can’t function should be identified should be marked as a higher priority.
- Tell me how should a team lead play as a good team player?
Please share your answers.
- What is Label in configuration management? how VSS keep tracks of versions?
Labels are used as collection mechanisim for storing file versions. label collections are used as file repositories for software releases or for other activities.
- How to resolve if there is problem between your Team member and get work done?
When team members are at odds, I ask them to review what our task is. The answer should be “to achieve our target”. I ask them to remember that we are not required to like each other, but we are required to work together with respect and that nothing less will be tolerated. The team members in question are then asked if they can work out their problem by themselves or if they need a third party to intervene. If they feel they need a third party, I ask them who that party should be: me, the department director — maybe Human Resources. Then I make it clear that the issue is to be resolved today, or at the latest tomorrow, that their dissention is putting the project at risk and that is not acceptable.
At all times, I make every effort to not lay blame on either team member unless the situation is extreme. (If the situation was extreme, there would be little or no discussion — we would go directly to HR.) Whatever the problem might be, I make it clear that we will work it out and we will work it out now.
- What are the approaches or methods by which guidance to team members is given by team lead?
public speaking or you can term it as common addressing….
another one is run time training….
third and the most imp is that Tl should lead by example
- Explain what are the attributes that make a good team leader?
A good team leader has to have
1. Good knowledge of the project (s) he is leading
2. Genuinely interested in the success of project AND individuals.
3. Helping and problem solving team members
4. Open to suggestions from team members
5. Has to be responsible for whatever decision a team member has taken
6. Not afraid of failure
7. Nice to have: technically sound so as to replace any of the team member
- How should a team lead handle a team member who always gives defensive response?
In that case where team member is defensive, the lead can take following steps:
1. Teaching him meaning of team work.
2. Discussing minutely his actions while he was supposed to perform something and he didn’t and something wrong happened.
3. Be very sharp and specific don’t generalize his/her responsibility.
4. Sometimes it seems that Team member is defensive but actually he was going through a genuine problem.
5. The best approach is to make a diplomatic balance like if he is defensive for something wrong done by him, them appraise something which he has done good in past or in present and very professionally make him realise that he shouldn’t be defensive and should improve for future.
- As a team lead how do you enforce priority on a group member when he feels that the other thing is more important than the first?
The ability of a team lead to convince a team member that thing A is of more priority than the other thing B entirely depends on his/her quality of communication.
One of the possible ways to do this would be arrange the sequence of events in a manner that would emphsise the occurence of A before B. For instance, one might say – “But don’t you think that if A were to happen before B we could be able to achieve B in a more efficient manner?…”
Make it an open question and let the team member ponder over this…At least while s/he thinks this through, the team lead will buy time to get the higher priority thing done!
- What are the challenges you face while leading the team?
– Team attitude problem.
– Different views
– Cultural problems
– They understanding problems and so on…
All these challenges can be handled if we get friendly with them and try to undertand there problem.
- How to Test Estimation for the Project?
Well I would give this to the team and ask them to give estimates to the given test cases and then I will evaluate whether the estimates provided by them are correct or not.
If a tester gives, more estimates from other tester try to find why his estimates are more than other may be he is doing the detail downstream testing.
Usually if its a function test cast it will not take more than 5 min to each test case which includes +VE, -VE, border, special character testing.
If it is a downstream testing, it will take 20 min to execute each TC.
- As a team lead How will you handle a situation where an employee frequently takes unplanned leaves?
The main 2 reasons will be
a) That member is not interested in the work that he/she is doing.
b) He/she is not happy with the immediate supervisor.
Best way to solve this is by face to face talk. Always it should be a gain – gain situation for anyone who is working.both the individual and the project should be benefited by the work that he/she is doing.
Another reason can be personal. A good lead should be able to identiy this too. It should be like professional at work and personal friend.
- Should a team lead involve himself in testing when he is available? Will it downgrade his/her position before the fellow team members?
You should involve in testing the application by yourself. Because, at the end you will be responsible for code developed by your team/team member. If you are not in development then testing the app will give you one more avenue to know what was done in the back-end.
This (testing) noway degrades your job, depending on howmuch effort you are putting on testing the app, prior to the code goes to QA.
- What tactics you apply to develop the leadership skills?
Actually both the below answers are good but they miss a key point which is to ensure that you are communicating the vision of your management and orginisation properly to your team at the same time you should understand what your employees want from the orginisation and try to help them achieve it in a proper method this shows them that they can trust you and that you will look out for them.
Deligate more responsibility to the team.
Be an active listener to problems and suggestions.
Develope professional and personal rapport in the team.
Do not forward the pressure to the subbordinates until you explain to them why such pressure is needed and what is the benefit to the company and themselves..
Gain their confidence on you
1. Never think that x no of people are working under me. they are never under you. instaed develop a thinking that those employees are working with me for the same goal.
2. Try not to be biased to any one in team. Act neutral.
3. Active listening.
- Please explain how to resolve team conflicts in your team?
Team conflicts are of different types. Some based on the knowledge like two senior analyst giving opposite opinion to each other then this kind of conflicts can be resolve by Collaborative method.
If the conflict arise by the group of person and they can support the results of conflicts then this can be resolve by Competitive method.
Some br compromising and so on…
- What is service quality? How do you improve your team member’s service quality?
Well!!! Service quality is not the individuals task. Service is related to the outcome of a group effort. To provide a good service a complete team need to work accordingly to get the desired target withing time provided by client.
Up to some extent team leader has the responsibility to make a team or to manage a team in such a way that every one in the team work as a responsible person. If everyone in the team know his responsibility and fulfill them then automatically the output will be desired and service will be good one.
Team lead must have the one to one correspondence in a team. He must know his team members capabilities and behaviours… then only hi can assign the task to them accordingly. Team leaders main responsibility to achieve the desired target with in deadline without stressing the team members. He has to decide who can in his team perform which task successfully and with responsibility and without having much stress to complete the task. If he can do so then it is sure that he is a good team leader and the service will be up to the mark.
- What is RCA (Root Cause Analysis ) when you are going to ask RCA from Your team member? Explain the process?
RCA is problem solving methods aimed at identifying the root causes of problems predicated on the belief that problems are best solved by attempting to correct or eliminate root causes, as opposed to merely addressing the immediate symptoms.
- Ticket is Severity 1 and it is very critical one, your team members they not able to resolve the issue and you are the least person to solve a problem? How do you resolve the issue?
In case of critical issue if no one in the team can resolve the issue…. then here the role of team leader starts.
As a team lead he first need to understand what the issue is about. If he can able to get the problem then of course he must have several options to resolve problem.
In most cases what happen we cannot understand the problem and working hard to get answer or solution. Which is of course not up to the mark.
In such condition once team lead understand the issue his first responsibility is to explain it to the other related peoples in the team. Instead of finding solution alone there is always beneficial that to take other peoples to get the solution. Everyone has its own knowledge and issue solving techniques. So everyone can get the answer in their different ways and solution will find easily.
- At a time two high priority (S1) tickets in you bin, only one engineer is available in this situations, what is your solutions for in this situation? (Here no chance to call other engineer and you are not at all technical guy)
In this case importance to be given to the one which can be resolved in less time. So that you can answer to the superiors and give some confidence that the other will also resolve quickly even though the other will take more time at least you can reduce the stress of alone engineers to concentrate on the other.
- How you are going to be a or become a role model of you team?
You can be a role model for your team by following the 4 basic principles i.e :-
1) Responsible: Be a responsible person. If you say that you will get back to a team member on a particular topic then make sure you do it.
2) Be Calm: You might have many problems but your team is not responsible for that. So make sure you maintain your calm.
3) Honesty: No need to stress on this point. You lose your right of leadership once you lose your honesrt.
4) Be humble with everyone in the team regardless of their designation/ranks.
- Tell me how can a team lead keep the team organized to meet deadlines or goals?
Team members have to be provided access to the bigger picture. This not only assists them in attaining their goals but is also a moral booster when they realize the overall impact of their contribution.- Periodic feedback to members allows them to gauge their progress and mitigate any issues before they go out of control- Nip it in the bud: conflict resolution skills are vital. Organize the team to ensure that sub-teams members respect each other i.e do not have personality conflicts
- Explain what are the weakest qualities or attributes a team leader should avoid definitely?
The team lead must avoid these attributes of his/her personality:
He/she always have greater understanding of project they should never ask about the project plan or anything which they are supposed to know because this degrade them in eye of other Team members.
This is basic fact that all leading position doesn’t matter he is project manager or team lead are very sensitive there are always other people who want to jump on those positions so be always loaded with extra knowledge, skills and discipline.
During lack of right person in team (let’s say QA) the team lead should be able to work instead.
Be critical about your performance before somebody else become.
- In your team one member is very rude how do you handle this guy?
One to one meeting has done three times, till the guy is very rude, what is your next step?
Well in such case if you have taken many one to one meetings with that rude guy to make him convince to work property.
Then next step is to talk with him as a friend and try to get the matter because of which he is behaving like this. If the you can get the problem that why he is behaving like this then there may be a many solutions. If his reason of behaving like this is correct then you can try to resolve the issue according to him.
But the reason you get by the rude guy is not proper or correct then you can explain him the draw backs of his behaviour. If it is his tendency to behave like this then you can explain him about his future with this attitude.
And finally if he is not able to understand your language…then warn him once or two and after that just sit with him against the managing team and try to get the solution from management regarding his rude behaviour.
- What is Self-managed team leadership?
Self-managed team leadership is different from traditional leadership and provides an alternative to traditional leader’s role. Self-managed team leaders lead without positional authority. Self-managed team leadership is moving inside one’s subordinate work group to lead. Self-managed team leadership defines a different role for the leader. The leader is not responsible for making decisions, developing action plans or giving orders. In these situations, the team is given the responsibility, authority and accountability for managing a defined area of responsibility. When the work group is given control over one or more defined areas of team responsibility, it is the leader’s role to use self-managed leadership skills and systematic processes to help the team to operate effectively and efficiently.
- Explain what steps must a team lead take to focus the skills of team members to higher authorities?
One of the good quality of a leader is to search the leadership qualities in his team, if he find the qualities in one of the team member then it should not be kept within himself but to exposed to other higher authorities, some of the points which he needs to taken care while explaning the qualitites to authorities. The team lead should test the memeber in all situation, all the recognization should be on paper and if the authority ask to prove his talent or give the scenario were he has explicit himself on document, that is the reason that documents are very important.
- Tell me how you estimate your project / task end dates and then monitor them to ensure that dead lines are met?
Assign the tasks to the team members. Ask then to break the task into sub tasks so that each sub task’s completion time is round a day or two and ask him to estimate the time. Once they have estimated sit with the team members and review the task/ sub tasks time and review the time lines and make adjustments if needed. Once this is done, you can meet every morning for 10-15 minutes to track the tasks/sub tasks. Since the tasks are now granular the tracking of the tasks completion are easy. Even if you are slipping and if there are any bottle necks it is easy to track it very early so that you take appropriate action/decision.
- Tell me what are the communication methods you followed within team and to client?
Within Team:
Team meeting,
One-on-One meeting,
Free talk
To Client:
Conf meeting,
- How to conduct the team appraisals? Outline the process and parameters?
For team appraisals first the following needs to be done :
clarification of roles and responsibilities
constructive feedback to team members
discovery of unknown and unresolved issues
development of individual training plan
establishment of specific goals for future.
then a feedback as a standard form should be taken from individuals of the team:
recognition and rewards for the desirable behavior, team efforts etc
- Explain what are vital Contingency plans a team lead must take care?
Vital contingency plans are — resource allocation plan: what if a resource is absent — who will replace.
in case more time is needed to complete the work — how to handle the project support contingency risk budget – how much