Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
The Telangana National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMS 2023) online registrations is ongoing. Candidates can register for the National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) through the official website at The registration process for NMMS will end on October 13.
The last date for submission of the printed copy of online registered Application Forms and NR (two copies) and fee receipts of SBI collect by the Head Masters of the schools concerned in the office of the concerned District Educational Officer is October 16. The last date for submission of Printed Nominal Rolls attested by the concerned Head Masters, and fee receipts of SBI collect by the concerned DEOs to the O/o the Director of Government Examinations., T.S., Hyderabad is October 18.
Telangana NMMS scholarship 2023 exam fee: The examination fee is โน100 for General and backwards Caste Students and โน500 for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe & PH Students.
Telangana NMMS scholarship 2023 eligibility criteria: For each paper, the cutoff will be 40% for all students; for SC/ST students, it will be 32%.
Selection would be based on merit, subject to the district- and community-specific quotas granted in accordance with the guidelines released by MHRD New Delhi.
Telangana NMMS scholarship 2023 eligibility criteria: Multiple choice questions for the 90 marks on the Mental Ability Test (M.A.T.). Scholastic Ability Test(S.A.T) of 90 marks covering sciences, mathematics and social sciences of class VII & VIII. There is one mark for each question. There is a minute allotted for one question.
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