1. Tell me what is quality control?

The checking verification and regulation of the degree of excellence of an attribute or property of material is known as quality control.


  1. Tell me what is blotch print?

Prints where both the background and motif color are printed into the fabric using a direct printing process.


  1. Tell me what is flocking?

The application of short fibers to a base fabric by the direct printing of adhesive onto the fabric in the desired areas and then sticking the fibers to these areas.


  1. Tell me what is Blouson?

Blouson means the Bloused effect of fullness gathered in at and falling over a seam, typically the bodice over a skirt.


  1. Tell me what is color recipe?

List of component chemicals and pigments or dyestuff with relative quantities required to produce desired color.


  1. Do you know what is Bolt?

Bolt is the Unit in which fabric is packaged and sold by the manufacturer. Usually contains 12 to 20 yards.


  1. Tell me can I Dye My Upholstered Chair/sofa/ottoman?

No. Don’t even think about it, unless your piece is white or off white, and you are willing to undertake an experiment using Simply Spray spray-on fabric dyes.


  1. Tell us what is standard temperature?

An atmosphere at the prevailing barometric pressure with a relative humidity of 65% and temperature of 20°C (68°F) is known as standard temperature.


  1. Do you know what Topstitched Seam is?

A plain seam with a row of machine stitching on one or both sides of the seam line is known as the top stitched seam.


  1. Tell us what is Ease?

Ease is the even distribution of slight fullness when one section of a seam is joined to a slightly shorter section without forming gathers or tucks. Used to shape set-in sleeves, princess seams, etc.


  1. Tell me can I Dye My Blue Baby Blanket Pink?


No, because you are combining colors, just as if you were painting pink over a blue water color painting. However, you can dye a white or natural color baby blanket pink.


  1. Do you know what Gathers is?

Gathers means the Tiny, soft folds of fabric formed when a larger piece of fabric is sewn to a smaller piece


  1. Tell me what is relative humidity?

The ratio of the actual vapor pressure to the standard vapor pressure at the same temperature express as a percentage is known as relative humidity.


  1. Do you know what consumer textile is?

Textile not falling into the categories of apparel, furnishing, household and industrial, tents and back packs may be referred to as consumer textile.


  1. Tell me what is enzyme?

It is one types of bio catalyst. It is based on protein. It is soluble in water but insoluble in acid and alkali.


  1. Do you know what is load?

The application of a load to a specimen in its axial direction causes a tension to be developed in the specimen. The load is usually expressed in gm-wt or pounds.


  1. Tell me what is Fold line?

Fold line is the line where fabric is folded, usually vertically, when cutting out a garment. It is common for the center front of a garment to be placed on a fold line.


  1. Tell me what is glass transition temperature?

The temperature at which the fiber behaves as a glass and brittle condition is known as glass transition temperature. It is denoted by Tg. The range of Tg for linear polymer is 100°C to 300°C.


  1. Tell us what is pigment?

It is normally a substance in particulate form which is substantially insoluble in a medium but which can be mechanically dispersed in this medium to modify its color and light.


  1. Do you know what is wet processing?

The process which is used for de-sizing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing is termed as wet processing.


  1. Tell us what is spandex?

Spandex fibers are extremely elastic. They are used for such purpose as foundation garments, hosiery, swim wear and sportswear.


  1. Tell us what is shade?

The meaning of shade is concentration. Usually, the depth of the tone of color is known as shade. It is three types such as light shade, medium shade and deep shade.


  1. What are solid Color Dyeing Cotton, Linen, Rayon, and Silk?

The best dye for vivid, color- and light-fast color are the reactive dyes, some crafts stores carry reactive dyes, also. Get catalogs and instructions from these sources and study the materials carefully.


  1. Do you know what is Join?

A term used in pattern directions that usually means to stitch together the pieces referred to using normal seam allowances and regular stitches.


  1. Please explain that is swelling?

Swelling may be expressed in terms of the increase of diameter, area, length or volume of a fiber due to absorbing water.


  1. Explain me what is polyester?

Polyester fibers are thermos plastic, they have good strength and are hydrophobic, do not absorb water well. Used for a wide variety of apparel, home furnishings and industrial fabrics.


  1. Tell me what is Edge stitching?

Edge stitching is the Stitching placed 1⁄16 inch from the edge; may be stitching detail, such as topstitching or stitching done to finish the outer edge of a seam or facing edge.


  1. What is wool dyeing?

Acid dyes are also used for dyeing wool – again, they require very hot water, so your fabric must be able to withstand any resulting shrinkage, matting, or felting. For this reason, I do not recommend dyeing already-constructed wool garments, such as coats, sweaters, or dresses, unless they are really large, and/or you are completely willing to experiment with the results.


  1. Tell us does Polyester Garments Cannot Be Dyed By Mere Mortals?

Polyester is created in highly controlled factory settings, using toxic chemicals at high temperatures. In addition, the dye is added when the fabric is in a liquid state. Using Rit or reactive dyes would be like trying to dye a plastic bag. The dye just doesn’t stick. Similarly, acetate cannot be dyed.


  1. Tell us what is Asymmetrical?

Asymmetrical means the One-sided, not geometrically balanced.



  1. Tell us what is ICS?

Integrated Composite Spinning 84


  1. Explain me what is silk fiber?

Is a fine continuous strand unwound from the cocoon of a moth caterpillar known as the silk worm? Silk is composed of protein. Lustrous, smooth, light weight, strong, and elastic. Used for apparel home furnishings, and upholstery.


  1. Tell us is there a White Dye?

Technically speaking, no. Some fabrics and colors can be changed or lightened using a good dose of chlorine bleach. Caveat: Start with a cup of chlorine bleach. Keep in mind that bleach will deteriorate fabric and if you use too much, you may end up with a shredding rag. Dharma also sells a color discharge for removing dye from fabric. If you are willing to be unattached to the outcome, you can try these methods.


  1. Tell us what Action of Enzyme Is on Garments?

The action of enzyme during enzyme wash, it hydrolysis the cellulose. At first it attacks the having projecting fiber and hydrolyzed them. Then it attacks the yarn portion inside fabric and partly hydrolyzed the yarn portion and faded affect is produced.


  1. Tell me what is Baste?

Baste is the Stitches made by hand or machine to hold fabric pieces together temporarily.


  1. Explain me what is ASTM?

American Society for Testing and Materials.


  1. Explain me with All These Caveats, What Can I Dye?

Prepared-for-dyeing garments, including everything available at Dharma Trading Co.; all-cotton sheets and pillowcases; all-cotton towels; vintage linens (many of these are sewn with cotton thread, which will dye); natural-fiber items that have faded and you want to restore them to their original color; cotton and rayon trims and laces; cotton undies (elastic will not dye); natural fiber yard goods.


  1. Tell me what do you mean by dyeing affinity?

The affinity of dye to the fiber is known as dyeing affinity.


  1. Do you know what Bias is?

Bias is the Diagonal direction of fabric. True bias is at a 45-degree angle to the grain line.


  1. Do you know what linen fiber is?

Linen fiber is obtained from the stoke of the flax plant linen yarn can be very strong and lustrous and in used for apparel, have furnishings and upholstery.



  1. Do you know what is dart?

A stitched fold that provides shape and fullness to a garment so that it fits the curves of the body


  1. Tell me what is shear rate?

The ratio of the velocity to the clearance is known as shear rate.


  1. Tell us different Types of Dry Processing?

Sand blasting, Hand scraping, whispering, overall wrinkle, permanent wrinkle, broken and tagging, grinding and destroy, pp spray and pp sponging.


  1. Tell me what is grading?

Grading means the Trimming each seam allowance to a different width.


  1. Tell me what is metallic fibers?

Produced by mining and refining fibers such metals as aluminum, silver and gold.


  1. Tell us what is seam?

Seam is joining of pieces of fabric together with stitching.


  1. Tell us what is Bodice?

Bodice means the Portion of garment above the waist.


  1. Tell us what is substrate?

A material to which dyes and chemicals may be applied.


  1. Do you know what the Purpose of Washing are?

The first purpose is to remove dirt, dust, impurities of garments thus achieve wash look appearance and softness.

The other purpose is to bring faded look, old look, tinted or over dyed affect.

To increase color fastness, wash fastness properties no possibility of further shrinkage of wash garments.


  1. Tell me what is Chroma?

The dullness of vividness of color describing is known Chroma.


  1. Tell us what is Hem?

A finished edge on a garment, one of the last steps in sewing a garment is called the hem.


  1. Can you give any three animal fibers?

Wool, Silk, Hair.


  1. Can you tell me two kinds of spinning machine?

Ring frame, mule frame.


  1. Tell us what is clipping?

Making straight cuts into the seam allowance is called clipping.


  1. Do you know what is water softening?

To remove the impurities of hard water by some desirable process is known as water softening.


  1. Tell me what is shear stress?

The ratio of the force to the area of shearing is known as shear stress.


  1. Tell me can I Dye My Cotton/silk/linen Dress?

Possibly, but keep in mind:

1, the thread and zipper will remain the original color;

  1. The trim issue;
  2. The stress of the warm-water-and-agitation process.


  1. Tell us how To Dye Fabric In Order To Make Quilts, Garments, Table Linens, Etc.?

The best place to start is with the prepared-for-dyeing fabrics at Dharma Trading Co. Their fabrics have no coatings or treatments that would make them resist the dye. Cotton and linen fabrics from Dharma do not need to be washed before dying. They recommend washing silk fabrics with Synthrapol first (also available from Dharma), in order to take out any remaining silk worm gum.


  1. Tell me what is testing temperature?

The atmosphere with a relative humidity of (65% ± 2%) and temperature of (20°C ± 2°C) or (68°F ± 4°F) is known as testing temperature.


  1. Explain me what is Grade?

Grade means to reduce the bulk of enclosed seams by trimming the individual al seam allowances different widths, clipping inward curves and corners, notching convex curves, and trimming away excess fabric at outward corners.



  1. Tell me what is all over design?

Design with balanced motifs that recur regularly within the repeat unit. The motifs cover the fabric with little ground showing.


  1. What is silk Dyeing?

Acid dyes as best for solid-color dyeing of silk. I personally use the reactive dyes on silk because they are so simple and can be done in the washing machine. However, on silk, the reactive dyes do not come out the same colors as on cotton, so it requires experimentation to get what you want. If you want true-to-swatch silk colors and want to experiment with the acid dyes, they require very hot water, either in the washer, or on top of the stove. Acid dyes will also dye nylon.


  1. What are Different Types of Wet Processing?

Normal wash / Garments wash/ Rinse wash, Pigment wash, Caustic wash, Silicon wash, Stone wash, Enzyme wash, Stone Enzyme wash, Acid wash, Bleach wash.


  1. Tell me what is clean finish?

Clean finish means the method for finishing the raw edges of pockets, hems or seams.


  1. Explain me what is Casing?

Casing is a folded-over edge of garment or area through which elastic or ribbon is threaded.


  1. Tell us what is steaming?

This consists of submitting printed fabrics to the action of steam for varying period at various pressure.


  1. Do you know what soap is?

Soap is a metallic salt of saturated or unsaturated higher fatty acid. There may be Pb, Mg, Ca or other metallic salt.


  1. Tell me what is Blind hem?

Blind hem means the Sewing a hem invisibly with hand or machine stitches.


  1. Tell me what is French seam?

French seam is narrow seam within a seam, used on fabrics which ravel easily.


  1. Do you know what mineral fibers is?

Glass fibers are produced by combining silica sand, limestone, and certain other minerals.


  1. Tell me what is color palette?

It is a range of selected color that will usually consist of groups of color, chosen with regard to trends and predicated directions.


  1. Tell us what is fashion color?

Color within a color range perceived as being fashionable.


  1. Explain me what is stripping?

If the textile goods become uneven dyeing and insoluble for using then the color has to be distorted. The process to destroying of removing dye or finish form fibers or fabrics is known as stripping.


  1. Tell us what is Chevron?


Chevron is a V-shaped stripes.


  1. Tell us what is Alter?

Alter means to change the pattern or garment so that it fits the body and represents body measurements and proportions.


  1. Do you know what is ANSI?

American National Standards Institute.


  1. Tell us what is nylon?

Nylon is thermoplastic, resilient, elastic and very strong. It is used for a wide variety of apparel, have furnishings and industrials products.


  1. Do you know what rubber fibers is?

Made from the sap tapped from the rubber tree.


  1. Do you know what ‘Natural fibers’? Is

Natural fibers that occur in nature can be classified as vegetable, animal, and mineral.


  1. Tell me what is enclosed seam?

Enclosed seam means the seam allowance along a faced edge that is stitched and turned to form an enclosed seam between two layers of fabric.


  1. Tell us what is souring?

The treatment by which the fabric after processing with scouring is stated with dilute sulphuric acid for removing alkali is known as souring.


  1. Tell me what If You Have a Garment or Fabric That Is Half or Less Polyester and the Other Portion a Natural Fiber (like Cotton), You Can Try Using The Reactive Dyes?

Keep in mind that the dye will take at about half strength. In other words, it’s very hard to get a dark color saturation. Cotton mixed with a minimal amount of spandex (5-10%) will take the dye pretty well!


  1. Can you list The Chemical Names Which Are Used in Washing Plant?

☛ Sodium mete bi sulphite

☛ Per oxide

☛ Caustic soda

☛ (Soda ash

☛ LV (pocket clear)

☛ Bleach Kci

☛ Caustic potash

☛ Phosphoric acid

☛ Pumice stone

☛ Optical Brightening agent (3 types: Red, blue, yellow)

☛ Sodium hypo sulphite

☛ Sodium bi carbonate

☛ Enzyme (Acid, Neutral, SL enzyme)

☛ Acetic acid

☛ Softener

☛ Desizing agent

☛ Potassium per manganite

☛ Micro emulsion silicon

☛ Buffer, stabilizer, fixing agent, catanizer, resin, anti-staining agent

☛ Dye for tinting or over dyeing


  1. Tell me what is color forecasting?

The selection of ranges of color that are deemed to be those that will be wanted for a particular product or market at a particular time in the future.


  1. Tell me what is vetting?

The action which helps to insoluble vat dyes to be used by soluble is called vetting.


  1. Tell us what is detergent?

The compound which gets orient at the interface between water and air and reduces interfacial tension or surface is known as detergent. It is mainly two types named ionic and non-ionic.


  1. Tell us what is Boning?

Boning means the Flexible strips used to stiffen seams or edges.


  1. Tell me what is Applique?

Applique is a cut-out decoration, design or motif applied to base fabric.


  1. Do you know what is basting?

Basting is the temporarily joining layers of fabric together.


  1. Do you know what ISO is?

International Organization for Standardization


  1. Can you tell me any three mineral fibers?

Glass, ceramic, graphite.


  1. Tell me what is fabric?


Fabric, which by various finishing processes becomes finished consumers goods.


  1. Tell us what is Pivot?

The Stitching around a corner by leaving the needle in the fabric, raising the presser foot, and turning the fabric in a new direction.


  1. Tell me machine Names Which Are Used In Washing Plant?

☛ Washing machine (No of M/c -10)

☛ Dryer machine (No of M/c -10): gas dryer-09 and Steam dryer-01

☛ Sample Machine (No of M/c-02)

☛ Hydro (No of M/c -03)

☛ Spray gun (No of M/c -02)


  1. Tell me what is geo-textile?

A textile used in soil based applications such as road building, dams and erosion control.


  1. Tell me what is viscosity?

It is the ratio of shear stress to the rate of shearing.


  1. Tell us what is PPM?

The number of grains of calcium carbonate which is present in one millions grains of water is termed as PPM.


  1. Tell us what is Armscye?

Armscye means the Armhole; opening for a sleeve.


  1. Tell me what is back stitching?

Sewing backward and forward in the same place to secure stitching, is known as Backstitching.


  1. Tell me what is trimming?

Trimming is evenly cutting away part of the seam allowance.


  1. Can you tell me any three cellulosic fibers?

Rayon, Acetate, Triacetate.


  1. Do you know what yarn is?

Yarn, which is woven, knitted, or otherwise made into fabric.


  1. Tell me what is seam?

Seam refers the two or more edges of fabric held together by sewing. Seam should be well constructed and appropriate for the fabric, type of garment, and the location on the garment.


  1. Tell us what is Notch?

Notch means the Cutting wedges from seam allowances of an outward curve. Also a pattern symbol transferred to fabric to indicate seaming.


  1. Tell us what is shape factor?

The quantity which determines the shape of material is known as shape factor. If shape factor is 1 then fiber will be completely found.


  1. Tell me what is industrial textile?

Textile product group that includes car tyres, medical textiles, geo-textile, conveyor or bet, car safety belts and parachute cord.


  1. Do you know function Of Hydro Extractor Machine?

Function of Hydro extractor machine is to squeeze the garments for removing the excess water from the garments.


  1. Tell us what is grey cloth?

Un-dyed and unfinished fabrics straight from the loom are known grey cloth or grey fabric.


  1. Tell me what is brand?

A trade name identifying a manufacturer or product.


  1. Do you know what is topping?

The application of further colorant not necessarily of the same hue or class to a dyed substance in order to adjust the latter to the desired final color is known as topping.


  1. Tell us what do you mean by degree of hardness?

The number of grains of calcium carbonates which is present in 70000 grains of water is known as degree of hardness of water.


  1. Tell us what is binding?

Binding is the Strip to encase edges as a finish or trim.


  1. Tell me what is Notching?

Cutting V-shaped sections from the seam allowance is called notching.


  1. Explain me what is seam Allowance?

Seam Allowance is the Width between fabric edge and seam line


  1. Explain what is ply yarns?

Two or more strands or yarns are twisted together; they are designed as ply yarns.


  1. Can you tell me any four vegetable fibers?

Cotton, linen, jute, hemp.


  1. Tell me what is Fiber?

Fiber, which is either spun (or twisted) into yarn or else directly compressed into fabric.


  1. Tell me what is the standard of cotton yarn count?

The standard for the yarn count in cotton is I pound of fiber drawn out to make 840 yards of yarn. The resultant thickness or size is known as count number 1 or Ne1.


  1. Tell us what is seam finish?

Seam Finish is the Treatment on seam edges to prevent raveling and make the seam stronger and last longer.


  1. Tell me what do you mean by after treatment?

The process which is used for proper and perfect dyeing action is known as after treatment. In case of direct dye, after treatment is done for increasing light fastness and wash fastness of dyed materials. Dye particle is done insoluble into the fiber after treatment.


  1. Explain me what is ageing?

It is consisting of exposing printing goods to more or less prolonged action of steam at atmospheric pressure to assist in the diffusion and fixation of the dyes.


  1. Can you list Different Types of Washing Faults?

☛ Color shade variation

☛ Crease marks

☛ After wash hole

☛ Very dark and very light

☛ Bleach spot

☛ Bottom hem and course edge destroy

☛ running shade

☛ over blasting/low blasting

☛ over grinding/low grinding

☛ Bad smell due to poor neutralization

☛ Poor hand feel

☛ To high hairiness

☛ Poor brightness

☛ High or low effect/abrasion on garments

☛ Spot on garments

☛ Out of range/ level of ph value of garments


  1. Tell me why Acetic Acid Is Used In Enzyme Bath?

Acetic acid is used in enzyme bath to control the pH of wash bath and for proper action of enzyme. (To controlling the pH of enzyme because enzyme works at acidic pH).


  1. Tell me can I Dye My Wedding Dress/bridesmaid Dress/formal Dress?

The simple answer is no. The vast majority of these dresses are polyester and acetate. Even if they are silk, the construction will probably not hold up to the warm water and agitation process. In addition, any trim may not dye or could take the dye in a different strength or color.


  1. Explain what do you mean by balanced color way?

When the colors change but total relationships of the color within the designs stay the same, giving the same overall visual effect.


  1. Do you know what thermal conductivity is?

It is the rate of transfer of heat along a body by conduction. The higher value of thermal conductivity, the fiber will then more conductive.


  1. Explain what is Pattern markings?

The symbols for construction printed on the pattern, such as for darts, buttonholes, notches, dots or tucks. They are transferred from the pattern to the fabric by means of tailor’s tacks, notches, and chalk, basting or tem piracy fabric markers.


  1. Tell us what is shrinking?

Constricting fabric with steam or water to eliminate excess in a specific area. Also done to fabric before cutting out a garment to prevent further fabric shrinkage.


  1. Please explain what is hue?

The attribute of color whereby it is recognized as being predominantly red, green, blue, yellow, violet, brown etc. in simple words, a color of color is hue.


  1. Explain me what is additive color?

It is a mixture of colored light. The three primary colors of red, green and blue when mixed together is equal proportions then produce white light. Mixing the three additives primaries in differing amounts can create any color in the rainbow. Color televisions use the principle of additive color mixing.


  1. Explain what is thickener?

It used in textile printing which is a main part of high molecular weight compound giving viscose paste in water. Thickener imparts stickiness and plasticity to the printing paste so that it can be applied to a fabric surface without color spreading.


  1. Explain me what do you mean by hardness of water?

The property of the textile water for which it does not form foam easily without a lot of soap is known hardness of water. It has two types named temporary hardness and permanent hardness.


  1. Please explain what is Plain Seam?

Plain Seam is the most common type of seam, Suitable for all areas of a garment and fabrics except for sheers and laces.


  1. Please explain what is cotton fiber?

The cotton fiber grows in the seedpod, or boll or the cotton plant. Cotton yarn is used to make fabries for all type of apparel, home furnishings and industrial applications.


  1. Tell me what is ‘Man made fibers’?

The natural material of cellulose has been taken from cotton linters and wood pulp, processed chemically, and changed in form and several other characteristics into fibers of various lengths.




By bpci