the cats of AAM

Ask a Manager

In last week’s speed round, a surprising number of questions requested updated info on the cats — in particular, an update to the personality profiles and photos from last year. So here we go.

11 years old, the grande dame of the house. She is very beautiful and requires that you treat her like a queen. She will hiss at you for absolutely nothing and then rub against your hand a few seconds later. She loves my husband and has an unexpected affection for Fig.

9 years old. May not be a cat; seems more like some strange little creature you might find in a forest or visiting from another planet. Very scampy, full of energy, lives life by rules no one but she understands. Has monkey-like climbing abilities, is a skilled parkour enthusiast, and likes to chase and be chased. Believes deeply that might makes right.

6 years old. Very smart, loves affection, prefers to be cuddled up against someone at all times. Likes to stare way too intensely at people and animals she doesn’t know. Will politely tap you when your attention is required. Extremely chonky. Was a teenage mother to Wallace (before and after photos!) and kept the two of them alive on the streets until a kind person rescued them.

6 years old. An affectionate goofball, but also a distinguished gentleman. Loves to fetch. The friendliest of the crew to human visitors, and functions as the welcome wagon for any new cats and helps them feel at ease. Extremely popular with all the other cats; would definitely be voted Homecoming King. Sophie nursed him until he was almost full-grown, a la Robin Arryn.

Believed to be 6-ish. Shy with humans but loves other cats. However much love you’re picturing, it’s more. Took me months to gain his trust and whenever I thought I finally had, he would randomly act like he’d never seen me before. Now loves to flop over and kick with joy. Named after the neighbor boy from Little Women. Bonded to Wallace.

Believed to be 3-ish. A miracle cat who survived FIP (which until recently was always fatal). It left her with some permanent neurological damage so she’s a little stumbly but she does not seem to notice or care. Likes to cuddle with Laurie, but worships Wallace and lights up when she sees him. Spends significant time plotting how to get baths from them both. When excited, quacks like a duck.

Believed to be 2-ish. Hoots like an owl when she plays. Picture a tiny kitten crossed with a baby panda crossed with a newborn meerkat, then imagine the cutest moments you’ve ever seen from all cats you’ve ever known, and then also picture a marshmallow. Now you’re imagining Fig. Adorable, sweet, cuddly, mildly devious, ridiculous, elfin.

Believed to be 2-ish. After being billed as a recluse, has decided he’s a lap cat and wants to curl up on me all the time. When he learned this about himself, he seemed conflicted: shocked that it was happening but simultaneously delighted. Has a very expressive face, and often one side of his upper lip turns up like Elvis. Bonded to Grendel (they rampage around the house together and go on adventures) but likes everyone, especially Wallace.


Believed to be 2-ish. Due to respiratory damage, makes noises like a tiny monster but has learned to use them to communicate; uses them as a greeting and to say “I find this very interesting.” Wants to curl up with all other cats but realizes he might not be allowed, so gently sneaks up behind them and sleeps with his head or one paw on them. Is incredibly sweet, the opposite of his monstrous namesake. Bonded to Griffin but likes everyone, especially Stella.

All are rescues. Olive, Eve, Laurie, Stella, and Fig were foster fails. You probably need to rescue some cats yourself…

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Ask a Manager

#cats #AAM

By bpci

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