Jagran Josh
TN MRB FSO 2023 Provisional Selection List: Know here how to download Tamil Nadu Medical Recruitment Board Provisional Selection List For Food Safety Inspector. Check Name, Roll No. Registration No. and other details.

TN MRB FSO 2023 Provisional Selection List
TN MRB FSO 2023 Provisional Selection List
The Medical Service Recruitment Board (MRB) has released the Provisional Selection list of candidates who appeared for Tamil Nadu Medical Recruitment Board Food Safety Officer Exam.The candidates who appeared for TN MRB FSO 2023 can check their Name, Selection and other details in the Provisional Selection List. The Provisional Selection list along with the cutoffs can be downloaded from the official website of TN Medical Service Board Recruitment (MRB) at-https://www.mrb.tn.gov.in/
Candidates can download the TN MRB FSO 2023 Provisional Selection List by following the steps given below
Step 1 : Visit the official website of TN Medical Service Board Recruitment (MRB) at- https://www.mrb.tn.gov.in/
Step 2: On the homepage go to result section.
Step 3: Click on the link titled- “ Provisional Selection List for the post of Food Safety Officer”
Step 4: After clicking the link a PDF of Provisional Selection List will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Check your Name, Registration no. and in Provisional Selection List.
Candidates can also download the Provisional Selection List from the direct link given below.
Direct Link to Download the TN MRB FSO 2023 Provisional Selection List PDF
The candidates have been provisionally selected based on the marks scored by them in the Computer Based Test held on 20 October 2022. For the 131 vacancies notified 120 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for appointment. Along with the selection list a list of withheld candidates has also been released. The candidature of these candidates is withheld due to not producing certain documents. In case of candidates whose selection is withheld for want of documents, the candidate shall produce the same within 30 days from the date of publication of this notification, at the MRB office (during the working hours, on any working day). If the candidate fails to produce necessary documents within the stipulated time, it will be presumed that he/she is not able to produce the required documents and his/her provisional selection will be cancelled without any further notice. For other details related to recruitment candidates can check official Notification.
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