Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TN TRB) has released the schedule for State Eligibility Test (SET) 2024, conducted to check the eligibility of aspirants for the position of assistant professor in colleges and universities across the state. The board has released an official notification on its website announcing the dates for the examination. According to the notice, the examination is scheduled to be held on March 6, 7, 8 and 9, 2025. Candidates can click here to check the link for the official notice for TN SET 2024 schedule.
The notification mentions that the hall tickets for the examination will be released by the board 7 days before the exam. Candidates appearing for the examination will be able to download their admit cards from the official website at The exam will be conducted in a Computer Based Test (CBT) format.
TN SET 2024: Exam pattern and marking scheme
The TNSET 2024 follows the UGC-NET exam pattern and is conducted as a Computer-Based Test (CBT). It consists of two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is common for all candidates, includes 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, and related skills. It carries 100 marks and lasts one hour. Paper II is subject-specific, featuring 100 MCQs based on the candidate’s postgraduate subject, totaling 200 marks with a two-hour duration. The marking scheme awards 2 marks per correct answer, with no negative marking in both papers.
TN SET 2024 admit card: Steps to download
Candidates who are appearing for the SET 2024 can download their admit cards when released by following the provided steps.
Step1. Head to the official site for TN SET 2024,
Step 2. Look for the TN SET 2024 admit card link on the homepage.
Step 3. Using your credentials, login to your account.
Step 4. The admit card will be displayed on your screen.
Step 5. Take a print out of the admit card and keep it safe for examination day.
Candidates are advised to stay tuned with the official website of the examination to avoid missing out on any updates.
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