TN TRB Recruitment 2023: Apply for 2,222 teaching posts from November 1 at – Times of India

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NEW DELHI: The Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TN TRB) has released a recruitment notification inviting online applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Graduate Teachers/Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTE) in school education and other departments. As per the schedule, the application window will open on November 1 and the last date to submit the applications is November 30, 2023.
Candidates who are interested and eligible will be able to apply for the TN BT/BRTE Recruitment 2023 through the official website of the Board at
The recruitment examination is scheduled to be conducted on January 7, 2024.
Once the application process for Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment 2023 begins, candidates can follow the step-by-step process mentioned below to apply online. A direct link to register and apply will also be provided here once the link is displayed on the website of the Board.
How to apply for TN TRB Recruitment 2023?
Step 1: Visit the official website of the TN TRB at
Step 2: Click on the “Apply Online” link on the homepage.
Step 3: Register yourself to create a login account.
Step 4: Log in with your registration number and password.
Step 5: Fill out the application form and upload all required documents in the specified size and format.
Step 6: Pay the TN TRB application fee and submit it.
Step 7: Download and save your TN TRB recruitment application form for future reference.
Check Notification
Vacancy Details
According to the official notification, a total of 2,222 Graduate Teacher/Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTE) posts will be filled up through this recruitment process.
Eligibility Criteria and Age Limit
To qualify for application processing in the unreserved category, candidates must be below 53 years of age as of July 1, 2023. The age limit for C/ST/OBC/MBC/DNC/DW candidates has been raised to 58 years. Additionally, candidates need a two-year elementary education diploma and a relevant graduate degree.
Exam Fee
The exam fee is Rs 600 for all candidates, with the exception of candidates belonging to the SC, SCA, ST, and differently-abled categories, for whom the Rs 300 application fee is applicable.
For further information and details related to the recruitment drive for graduate teaching posts, candidates are advised to go through the detailed notification shared above or check out the official website.

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Ravi Shankar

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By bpci

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