Tricky Math Riddle: Tricky Math Riddle: You Are A Born Genius If You Find The Next Number In This Series In 47 Seconds!

Jagran Josh

Number Series Math Riddles for Students: Check your intelligence level by cracking this number series math puzzle in 47 seconds. Only a born genius can find the next number.

Tricky Math Riddles: There are many ways to exercise your mind, but none more fun than solving riddles and puzzles. It’s a fun way to stimulate your mind and get your mental juices flowing. The excitement and challenge of a puzzle provide the necessary dopamine rush to make you feel better while also helping enhance your concentration, problem-solving ability, critical thinking, and creativity.

In today’s digital world, our brain is constantly bombarded with information, both useful and useless. The mind can only filter out so much data before it’s overwhelmed. And that’s why most people feel dull and over-dependent on technology for even menial tasks.

However, you can get your mind back on track by solving puzzles, brain teasers and difficult questions. Here at Jagran Josh, we bring you the following math riddle on the number series, that’s bound to put you in a better mood and lift your spirits. These puzzles are created for students and adults both.

Dive in to have fun and also exercise your brain.


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Math Riddle On Number Series: Find The Next Number in 47 Seconds

Math Riddle On Number Series: Find The Next Number in 47 Seconds

Here is a fun math riddle on the number series. You have 47 seconds to find the next number in the above series. You can use any mathematical operations to get your answer.

Number Series Math Riddle Solution

Hopefully, you had a great time solving this number series puzzle and cracked it within the time limit. Now, it’s time to verify the solution. The missing number in the central circle is 28.

Number Series Math Riddle Solution

The numbers in the circle seem totally random at first look, but if you perform the basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and subtraction, you’ll notice the pattern.

Here are the steps to reach the solution.

– Observe the first circle and pair the opposites left-hand side numbers 2 & 3.

– Square the numbers individually and add them to the numbers on their opposite sides.

– 22 + 11 = 4 + 11 = 15

– 32 + 9 = 9 + 9 = 18

– Now find the difference between the two

– 18 – 15 = 3

Similarly, for the second circle:

You get 52 + 8 & 12 + 12

=> (25 + 8) – (1 + 12) 
=> 33 – 13 = 20

And finally coming to Circle Three: 

=>  72 + 6 &  42 + 11

=> 72 + 6 = 49 + 6 = 55

=> 42 + 11 = 16 + 11 = 27

=> 55 – 27 = 28

There’s your answer.

Did you also use the same method to get the answer? If so, congratulations. You’re definitely a born genius. Keep up the good work. For others, try to practice more such riddles and puzzles to get better.

Also Read: 

Tricky Math Riddles: Solve This Math Puzzle In 15 Seconds To Prove You’re a True Genius

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By bpci

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