TS Inter Re-verification and Recounting Results 2023 Announced at tsbie.cgg.gov.in

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Published By: Sukanya Nandy

Last Updated: June 07, 2023, 12:40 IST

The results for the Telangana Board Intermediate exams for both first-year and second-year students were declared on May 9 (Representative image)

Students who had applied for TS inter re-verification and recounting of their answer sheets can now access their results on the official website, tsbie.cgg.gov.in

The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has declared the results for TS Inter re-verification and re-counting on June 6, 2023. Students who had applied for re-verification and recounting of their answer sheets can now access their results on the official website, tsbie.cgg.gov.in.

To check the results, candidates need to enter their class 12 hall ticket number on the website. Alternatively, a direct link is provided on the webpage for easy access to the TS Intermediate re-checking and recounting results. This facility is exclusively available to students who were unsatisfied with their board exam marks and opted for the re-checking and recounting process.

TS Inter Re-verification And Recounting Results 2023: How to Check

To check the TS Inter re-verification and recounting results, follow these steps:

1. Go to the official website of TSBIE (Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education), tsbie.cgg.gov.in.

2. Look for the TS re-verification and recounting link on the website’s homepage.

3. Click on the link to proceed.

4. You will be directed to a page where you need to enter your inter-hall ticket number. Provide the required information accurately.

5. After entering the hall ticket number, click on the submit or search button.

6. The system will process your request, and the TS Inter re-verification and recounting results will be displayed on the screen.

7. Review the results carefully and make sure to download or take a printout of the results.

The TS Inter exams hold immense importance for students as they serve as crucial milestones in their academic journey. The option of re-verification and recounting is provided to ensure fairness and address any discrepancies that might have occurred during the evaluation process. It allows students to request a re-evaluation of their answer sheets in case they believe there has been an error in the initial marking.

The results for the Telangana Board Intermediate exams for both first-year and second-year students were declared on May 9. This year, more than 9 lakh students participated in the intermediate exams. The exams for the first-year students took place from March 15 to April 3, 2023, while the exams for the second-year students were conducted from March 16 to April 4.

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#Inter #Reverification #Recounting #Results #Announced #tsbie.cgg.gov.in

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