Board Exams 2023: Get Exam Results updates, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time table of CBSE and State Board Exams | Hindustan Times
Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education has released TS Inter Supplementary Hall Tickets 2023. The admit card has been released for TSBIE IPASE 1st and 2nd year. All the candidates who will appear for the examination can check the results through the official site of TSBIE at
The first year IPASE examination will be conducted from June 12 to June 16 and vocational stream examination will be conducted from June 17 to June 19, 2023. The second year examination will begin on June 12 and will end on June 16, 2023. The examination timings is 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
Candidates who will appear for the IPASE of Intermediate Vocational Public Examinations can download the admit card by following the steps given below.
#Inter #Supplementary #Hall #Tickets #1st #2nd #year #download #link