TS SSC Hall Tickets: BSE Telangana SSC Hall Ticket 2023 released on bse.telangana.gov.in; download here | – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

Telangana SSC Hall Ticket: The Directorate of Government Examinations, Telangana has released the hall tickets for the Telangana SSC Public Examinations April 2023.
Candidates, who have applied for the Secondary School Certificate examination, can check and download their admit card online on the official website — https://bse.telangana.gov.in/.
Candidates must carry their admit card to the examination hall. Also, they are advised to reach the exam centre at least 30 minutes before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card.
The Class 10th exams are scheduled from 3rd April 2023 to 13th April 2023. Students can download their admit cards from the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Telangana.
The Directorate of Government Examinations, Telangana has released the SSC Hall Tickets for the Telangana SSC Public Examinations April 2023. The Class 10th exams are scheduled to be held from 3 April 2023 to 13 April 2023. Students who have registered for the exam can download their admit cards from the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Telangana – https://bse.telangana.gov.in/.
The direct link to download the Telangana Class 10th Admit Card 2023 for Regular/Private/OSSC/Vocational is available on the official website. To download the admit card, students need to enter their details such as roll number, name, and date of birth.
It is mandatory for students to carry their admit card to the examination hall as it contains important details such as the name of the candidate, exam centre, date and time of the exam, etc. Students are advised to check all the details mentioned on the admit card carefully and in case of any discrepancies, they should immediately contact the concerned authorities.
Direct links to downloadRegular Hall Ticket | Private Hall Ticket | OSSC Hall Ticket | Vocational Hall Ticket

How to download Telangana SSC Public Examinations Hall Ticket 2023?
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Telangana – https://bse.telangana.gov.in/.
Step 2: Click on the “Hall Tickets” link on the homepage.
Step 3: Select the appropriate exam from the dropdown menu and enter your details such as roll number, name, and date of birth.
Step 4: Click on the “Download Hall Ticket” button.
Step 5: Your Telangana SSC Hall Ticket will be displayed on the screen. Download and take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
Make sure to check all the details mentioned on the admit card, including name, roll number, exam centre, date, and time of the exam. In case of any discrepancies, students should contact the concerned authority immediately.

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Sanjay Sharma

#SSC #Hall #Tickets #BSE #Telangana #SSC #Hall #Ticket #released #bse.telangana.gov.in #download #Times #India

By bpci

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