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HYDERABAD: Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) will conduct the Group 4 exam on Saturday, 1st July 2023, the Commission announced.
The TSPSC Group IV exam for Paper 1 will be held from 10 AM to 12:30 PM while the paper 2 exam will be conducted in the afternoon from 2:30 PM to 5 PM. Hall Tickets can be downloaded from 7 days prior to the examination.
The Telangana Government notified 8039 vacancies for Junior Assistant, Junior Accountant, Junior Auditor & Ward Officer in various departments of Group-IV services.
The Commission publishes the key on its website after conduct of the objective test. Any objections with regard to the questions / Key shall be filed within the stipulated period through the link provided in the TSPSC website, after publication of the key. The objections received physically in the form of representations or through emails are not entertained in any circumstances. Any objection(s) received after the last date for receipt of objections on key would not be entertained.
However, for each objection raised by the candidate he/she required to pay Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) online through payment gateway duly following online instructions.
The Selection of Candidates for appointment to the posts will be made by Written Examination (Objective Type) by CBRT/ OMR Based and the Selection for the posts will be based on marks secured in the written examination.
Those candidates who qualify in the Written Examination in order of merit will be called for verification of Certificates, Community and Category wise for the vacancies available as required. The qualifying marks for selection of the candidates belonging to: OC, Sports men, Ex-servicemen & EWS – not less than 40%;BCs – not less than 35%; SCs, STs and PH – not less than 30%.
The TSPSC Group IV exam for Paper 1 will be held from 10 AM to 12:30 PM while the paper 2 exam will be conducted in the afternoon from 2:30 PM to 5 PM. Hall Tickets can be downloaded from 7 days prior to the examination.
The Telangana Government notified 8039 vacancies for Junior Assistant, Junior Accountant, Junior Auditor & Ward Officer in various departments of Group-IV services.
The Commission publishes the key on its website after conduct of the objective test. Any objections with regard to the questions / Key shall be filed within the stipulated period through the link provided in the TSPSC website, after publication of the key. The objections received physically in the form of representations or through emails are not entertained in any circumstances. Any objection(s) received after the last date for receipt of objections on key would not be entertained.
However, for each objection raised by the candidate he/she required to pay Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) online through payment gateway duly following online instructions.
The Selection of Candidates for appointment to the posts will be made by Written Examination (Objective Type) by CBRT/ OMR Based and the Selection for the posts will be based on marks secured in the written examination.
Those candidates who qualify in the Written Examination in order of merit will be called for verification of Certificates, Community and Category wise for the vacancies available as required. The qualifying marks for selection of the candidates belonging to: OC, Sports men, Ex-servicemen & EWS – not less than 40%;BCs – not less than 35%; SCs, STs and PH – not less than 30%.
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Sanjay Sharma
#TSPSC #Group #Exam #Date #announced #Exam #held #July #Times #India